John Benson Award

John Benson is one of a small group who began the North Suburban Math League in 1977. He was the president of the League from its beginning until 2008. John Benson is a mathematician who is first and foremost a teacher. The NSML is a result of his desire to foster a love of mathematics. Participation in the League not only enriches the students who compete, but also the teachers who coach them. The John Benson Award is to be given to at most one student in each division who best exemplifies John Benson's love of mathematics and his passion to share his enthusiasm and knowledge with others.


  • The student must be a senior who has been an active member in the NSML for his or her high school career.
  • The student will be nominated without their knowledge, by their coach. (One nomination per school)


  • The student demonstrates a willingness to share knowledge, encourage peers, and foster enthusiasm for mathematics in others
  • The student participates in other math contests or events besides NSML
  • The student is involved in other mathematical endeavors or projects


  • Nominations should be submitted electronically around the time of the 4th meet.
  • Awards will be given at the NSML conference meet in February or March each year

Online Application Form (preferred): open for 2025

Offline Application Form

Invitations for applications are e-mailed to coaches in late January of every competition year.