In Attendance: John Benson (Evanston Township H.S.), Carol Miller (Glenbrook North), Judy Zelinski (Barrington), Rich Muller (St. Patrick), Craig Morse (Naperville North), Pam Sullivan (Conant), Mike Andrews and Peter Nilson (Maine South), Tom Weisgram (Glenbrook South).
Treasurer's Report: Carol Miller distributed copies of the 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 NSML financial statements. Concern over the budget has lessened. Due to use of the web site and the member host schools duplicating the tests, the league has improved its financial standing considerably. There is still concern over the matter of dues being paid in a timely manner. The notice for payment of dues will reflect the dates and amounts due. The dues will be $150 for the 2002-2003 year for those schools paying on or before November 1, 2002. This notice was distributed at the coaches meeting and can also be printed from the web site. The following motions were made and passed regarding the Treasurer's Report:
Candy Bar Contests: Rich Muller has reworked this year's contests and cleaned them up. It is suggested that students be asked to edit the problems and submit their solutions/corrections to the league. Corrections and other submissions may be made to the League President and would be greatly appreciated by all.
Topics: Pam Sullivan presented the proposed topics for the 2002-2003 year. The probability topic was switched to Meet #2 for the junior level because the question writer asked to be able to use the calculator for logs and exponents. After discussion it was agreed to make that switch, and the topics were approved. These topics have been on the web site and there was little response from the member schools. The final Oral topic is waiting for the State Committee to choose the State topic.
Schedule: Rich Muller presented the possible NSML dates for the following year. Due to conflicts, there was little choice for a selection of dates. The schedule which presented the best spread of dates and fewest conflicts was chosen. The following contest schedule was chosen:
Wednesday, 9 October 2002
Wednesday, 6 November 2002
Thursday, 12 December 2002
Thursday, 6 February 2003
Wednesday, 5 March 2003
Web site: The web site has become a real benefit to the league. Dissemination of information and contest results are but two of a growing list of uses of the site. The present student director of the site has done much to improve the appearance and uses of the site. The site has been a positive financial benefit to the league.
It is hoped that results can be sent directly to the site by the hosts of each meet. To this end the league will do some practice runs this month (May, 2002) to test the feasibility of such a method. Security was discussed and will be a problem to be addressed. Another major factor in the success of such an endeavor is the responsible and accurate reporting of the host schools.
The possibility of posting the questions on the web site at an agreed upon length of time after the meet was also discussed. If this was done there would be little need for the "results book" which is published each year. Some still prefer the hard copy of questions and results. This is already printed for this year, so the discussion of this refers to next year and beyond. Many questions were raised and it was decided that the question writers and the web director needed to be consulted. Member schools will also be asked for input at the coaches meeting.
A change of meeting site for the coaches meeting was noted and the league would be notified be e-mail of such.
As George Pryjma was not in attendance this is submitted neither for edification nor approbation by Tom Weisgram, George's poor substitute.