Coaches' Meeting 2008-2009
Minutes from May 14, 2009
- Treasurer's report. The stipend for question writers increased for 2009-2010. When mailing in your dues for next year, please be sure to use Kevin Weiland's new address listed on the dues form. If anyone has experience in accounting or knows someone who is, especially for non-profit organizations like ours, please contact Steve Goodman.
- Schedule. Dates for next year are Sept. 30, Nov. 12, Dec. 12, Feb. 3 and March 4. The conflict form for hosting/judging is on the web site. If you sent hosting requests in with your schedule conflict, please submit it again on the web site, by the end of the school year. If there are any special requests (all the same schools from a particular conference at the same meet, etc.), please include those when you submit your conflicts.
- Membership. Mundelein High School is out for 2009-2010. Whitney Young is now back in.
- Divisions. Whitney Young will be placed in the Wang division, based upon their performance at the regional and state competitions. Naperville Central has been moved up to the Milenkovic-Schultz division, which will now have 8 schools. Please update your team/coach information on the web site.
- Topics. The written topics have been approved by the board. They will be posted on the web site. As in past years, meets 2 and 4 will be no calculator meets. Also, meet 2 will be probability for everyone. For sophomore meet #3, a useful source is Geometry from a Transformational Point of View, by Usiskin. The oral topics have also been approved by the board. The will be posted on the web site. A discussion was held on making the format of meet 4 more like that of ICTM. A chair is needed for the orals committee. Please let Steve Goodman know if you are interested in serving. ICTM will announce their topic this weekend. Once that is announced, the topic for next year's meet 4 will be posted on the web site.
- Old business. All-conference clipboards and honorable mention certificates were available for pick up. Contact Peter Nilsen at Maine South if you did not get yours.
- Awards. The new tie breaker rules worked well this year. Please consider nominating students next year for the John Benson award.
- New Business. The conference meet time was discussed. In the future, busses will be allowed to line up on Dodge and Lake Streets, rather than the parking lot. This should allow busses to exit ETHS quicker than has been the case in the past. Also, ETHS could start the meet as early as 6:00 if schools can get there that soon. Steve will send out an email regarding this at a later date.
- Old Questions. Questions from 2002-2003 to the present are posted on the web site. Electronic versions of questions through the 1995-1996 school year are available on Acces. John Benson volunteered to scan contests from 1996-2002 into PDF format this summer. Member schools would like to have the questions sorted by topic. If you have ideas on how to do this efficiently, please contact Isaac Greenspan.
- Sharing ideas and information. Isaac has set up the capability for the web site to support a Wiki. This will be a place for coaches to discuss coaching tips, resource tips and generally be a place to help each other out.
- Other. At meet 5, the geometry test had no diagrams. It was felt that many students had to spend a lot of time creating their own diagrams, and not enough time was left to solve the problems. ARML tryouts for next year are on Jan. 28, 2010.