1977-1978 Meet 1 Frosh
number bases
1977-1978 Meet 2 Frosh
linear equations
1977-1978 Meet 3 Frosh
logic puzzles
1977-1978 Meet 4 Frosh
word problems
1977-1978 Meet 1 Sophomores
systems of equations
1977-1978 Meet 2 Sophomores
ratio, proportion, variation
1977-1978 Meet 3 Sophomores
factoring over the rationals
1977-1978 Meet 4 Sophomores
right triangle geometry
1977-1978 Meet 1 Juniors
1977-1978 Meet 2 Juniors
algebraic word problems
1977-1978 Meet 3 Juniors
1977-1978 Meet 4 Juniors
algebraic and geometric progressions
1977-1978 Meet 1 Seniors
complex numbers
1977-1978 Meet 2 Seniors
trigonometric equations
1977-1978 Meet 3 Seniors
matrix algebra
1977-1978 Meet 4 Seniors
1978-1979 Meet 1 Frosh
1978-1979 Meet 2 Frosh
Linear equations and inequalities
1978-1979 Meet 3 Frosh
Modular Arithmetic
1978-1979 Meet 4 Frosh
word problems
1978-1979 Meet 5 Frosh
sequences and series
1978-1979 Meet 1 Sophomores
algebraic equations
1978-1979 Meet 2 Sophomores
sets and venn diagrams
1978-1979 Meet 3 Sophomores
Perimeter, Area, Volume
1978-1979 Meet 4 Sophomores
similar polygons
1978-1979 Meet 5 Sophomores
right triangles
1978-1979 Meet 1 Juniors
1978-1979 Meet 2 Juniors
factoring over reals
1978-1979 Meet 3 Juniors
word problems
1978-1979 Meet 4 Juniors
1978-1979 Meet 5 Juniors
1978-1979 Meet 1 Seniors
logs and exponents
1978-1979 Meet 2 Seniors
1978-1979 Meet 3 Seniors
1978-1979 Meet 4 Seniors
theory of equations
1978-1979 Meet 5 Seniors
1979-1980 Meet 1 Frosh
calculation skills
1979-1980 Meet 2 Frosh
linear equations
Modern Introductory Analysis, Dolciani, et al. section 3-1; Principals of Advanced Mathematics, Meserve et al. Singer Random House 1970. Section 10-9
1979-1980 Meet 3 Frosh
number bases
1979-1980 Meet 4 Frosh
factoring over rationals
1979-1980 Meet 1 Sophomores
equations and inequalities
1979-1980 Meet 2 Sophomores
recreational logic
1979-1980 Meet 3 Sophomores
perimeter, area
1979-1980 Meet 4 Sophomores
coordinate geometry
1979-1980 Meet 1 Juniors
1979-1980 Meet 2 Juniors
1979-1980 Meet 3 Juniors
1979-1980 Meet 4 Juniors
logs and exponents
1979-1980 Meet 1 Seniors
1979-1980 Meet 2 Seniors
1979-1980 Meet 3 Seniors
complex numbers
1979-1980 Meet 4 Seniors
differential calculus
1979-1980 Meet 1 Orals
binomial theorem
Modern Introductory Analysis, Dolciani, et al. section 3-5
1979-1980 Meet 2 Orals
mathematical induction
1979-1980 Meet 3 Orals
DeMoivre's Theorem
Modern Introductory Analysis, Dolciani, et al. Section 12-10, pages 498-503
1979-1980 Meet 4 Orals
Applications of Vectors
(Volume of parallelepiped, equation of a sphere plane tangent to sphere, angle between 2 planes, distance from point to plane) (Principles of Advanced Mathematics, Meserve, et al. Singer Random House 1970. Section 11-12, pages 646-652.)
1980-1981 Meet 1 Frosh
ratio, proportion, percent
1980-1981 Meet 2 Frosh
primes and factors
1980-1981 Meet 3 Frosh
1980-1981 Meet 4 Frosh
linear systems
1980-1981 Meet 5 Frosh
1980-1981 Meet 1 Sophomores
1980-1981 Meet 2 Sophomores
1980-1981 Meet 3 Sophomores
1980-1981 Meet 4 Sophomores
angles and polygons
1980-1981 Meet 5 Sophomores
1980-1981 Meet 1 Juniors
1980-1981 Meet 2 Juniors
factoring over reals
1980-1981 Meet 3 Juniors
rational exponents
1980-1981 Meet 4 Juniors
complex numbers
1980-1981 Meet 5 Juniors
1980-1981 Meet 1 Seniors
1980-1981 Meet 2 Seniors
1980-1981 Meet 3 Seniors
1980-1981 Meet 4 Seniors
1980-1981 Meet 5 Seniors
1980-1981 Meet 1 Orals
matrices and determinants
Principles of Advanced Mathematics, Meserve, et al. Singer 1970. Chapter 12, Sections 1-5
1980-1981 Meet 2 Orals
sequences and series
Limits, a Transition to Calculus, Buchanan. Houghton Mifflin 1966. Chapter 2, pages 17-48
1980-1981 Meet 3 Orals
areas under a curve
Principles of Advanced Mathematics, Meserve, et al. Singer 1970. Chapter 10, Section 10, pages 573-580
1980-1981 Meet 4 Orals
Max & Min problems
Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Riddle, Wadsworth. 2nd edition. Chapter 20, Sections 3-4, pages 624-634
1981-1982 Meet 1 Frosh
rational arithmetic
1981-1982 Meet 2 Frosh
allowed |
1981-1982 Meet 3 Frosh
linear equations in one variable
1981-1982 Meet 4 Frosh
word problems (non-quadratic
1981-1982 Meet 5 Frosh
1981-1982 Meet 1 Sophomores
1981-1982 Meet 2 Sophomores
word problems
1981-1982 Meet 3 Sophomores
coordinate geometry
1981-1982 Meet 4 Sophomores
similar triangles
1981-1982 Meet 5 Sophomores
1981-1982 Meet 1 Juniors
similar triangles
1981-1982 Meet 2 Juniors
1981-1982 Meet 3 Juniors
word problems
1981-1982 Meet 4 Juniors
allowed |
1981-1982 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1981-1982 Meet 1 Seniors
word problems
1981-1982 Meet 2 Seniors
allowed |
1981-1982 Meet 3 Seniors
1981-1982 Meet 4 Seniors
theory of equations
1981-1982 Meet 5 Seniors
1981-1982 Meet 1 Orals
polynomial function theory
Modern Introductory Analysis, Dolciani, et al. Chapter 6, sections 5-9, pages 230-248
1981-1982 Meet 2 Orals
vector and lines
Modern Introductory Analysis, Dolciani, et al. Chapter 5, sections 1-5, pages 167-185
1981-1982 Meet 3 Orals
Probability and Statistics, Willoughby. Silver Burdett 1968. Chapter 3
1981-1982 Meet 4 Orals
growth and decay
Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Leithold. Harper & Row 1976. Pages 420-27
1982-1983 Meet 1 Frosh
calculation skills
1982-1983 Meet 2 Frosh
number bases
1982-1983 Meet 3 Frosh
linear equations
1982-1983 Meet 4 Frosh
factoring over rationals
1982-1983 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra 1
1982-1983 Meet 1 Sophomores
sets and venn diagrams
1982-1983 Meet 2 Sophomores
systems of equations
1982-1983 Meet 3 Sophomores
perimeter, area
1982-1983 Meet 4 Sophomores
right triangles
1982-1983 Meet 5 Sophomores
1982-1983 Meet 1 Juniors
1982-1983 Meet 2 Juniors
surface area, volume
1982-1983 Meet 3 Juniors
1982-1983 Meet 4 Juniors
complex numbers
1982-1983 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1982-1983 Meet 1 Seniors
logs and exponents
1982-1983 Meet 2 Seniors
1982-1983 Meet 3 Seniors
1982-1983 Meet 4 Seniors
1982-1983 Meet 5 Seniors
1982-1983 Meet 1 Orals
Modern Introductory Analysis, Dolciani, et al. Houghton Mifflin. Pages 507-531
1982-1983 Meet 2 Orals
sequences and series
Modern Introductory Analysis, Dolciani, et al. Houghton Mifflin. Pages 75-87
1982-1983 Meet 3 Orals
Modern Introductory Analysis, Dolciani, et al. Houghton Mifflin Pages 69-74
1982-1983 Meet 4 Orals
related rates
Elements of Calculus, Thomas. Addison Wesley 1972. Pages 105-108
1983-1984 Meet 1 Frosh
arithmetic topics
1983-1984 Meet 2 Frosh
primes and factors
1983-1984 Meet 3 Frosh
Modular Arithmetic
1983-1984 Meet 4 Frosh
rational expressions
1983-1984 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra 1
1983-1984 Meet 1 Sophomores
absolute value
1983-1984 Meet 2 Sophomores
1983-1984 Meet 3 Sophomores
1983-1984 Meet 4 Sophomores
1983-1984 Meet 5 Sophomores
1983-1984 Meet 1 Juniors
similar polygons
1983-1984 Meet 2 Juniors
coordinate geometry
1983-1984 Meet 3 Juniors
1983-1984 Meet 4 Juniors
word problems
1983-1984 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1983-1984 Meet 1 Seniors
1983-1984 Meet 2 Seniors
theory of equations
1983-1984 Meet 3 Seniors
trig equations and inequalities
1983-1984 Meet 4 Seniors
1983-1984 Meet 5 Seniors
1983-1984 Meet 1 Orals
geometry constructions
Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge, Rhoad, Milauskas, & Whipple. McDougall, Littell 1981 or 1983. Pages 649-671
1983-1984 Meet 2 Orals
Gaussian integers
Enrichment Mathematics for High School, 28th NCTM Yearbook. Pages 46-55
1983-1984 Meet 3 Orals
rational function graphing
Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Riddle, Douglas F. Wadsworth 3rd edition. Pages 99-121
1983-1984 Meet 4 Orals
advanced geometry theorems
Geometry Revisited, Coxeter and Greitzer.Addison Wesley 1967. Pages 1-26
1984-1985 Meet 1 Frosh
arithmetic topics
1984-1985 Meet 2 Frosh
number bases
1984-1985 Meet 3 Frosh
linear programming and inequalities
1984-1985 Meet 4 Frosh
word problems
1984-1985 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra 1
1984-1985 Meet 1 Sophomores
equations and inequalities
1984-1985 Meet 2 Sophomores
factoring over rationals
1984-1985 Meet 3 Sophomores
perimeter, area
1984-1985 Meet 4 Sophomores
right triangles
1984-1985 Meet 5 Sophomores
1984-1985 Meet 1 Juniors
surface area, volume
1984-1985 Meet 2 Juniors
systems of equations & inequalities
1984-1985 Meet 3 Juniors
word problems
1984-1985 Meet 4 Juniors
complex numbers
1984-1985 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1984-1985 Meet 1 Seniors
logs and exponents
1984-1985 Meet 2 Seniors
1984-1985 Meet 3 Seniors
1984-1985 Meet 4 Seniors
differential calculus
1984-1985 Meet 5 Seniors
1984-1985 Meet 1 Orals
Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge. Pages 631-648
1984-1985 Meet 2 Orals
binomial theorem
Modern Introductory Analysis. Pages 88-94
1984-1985 Meet 3 Orals
linear programming
Finite Mathematics. Chapter 7 and/or 8
1984-1985 Meet 4 Orals
Modern Geometries. First 3 sections of chapter 3)
1985-1986 Meet 1 Frosh
arithmetic topics
1985-1986 Meet 2 Frosh
linear equations
1985-1986 Meet 3 Frosh
primes and factors
1985-1986 Meet 4 Frosh
word problems
1985-1986 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
1985-1986 Meet 1 Sophomores
1985-1986 Meet 2 Sophomores
principles of counting
1985-1986 Meet 3 Sophomores
angles and polygons
1985-1986 Meet 4 Sophomores
similar triangles
1985-1986 Meet 5 Sophomores
1985-1986 Meet 1 Juniors
1985-1986 Meet 2 Juniors
1985-1986 Meet 3 Juniors
coordinate geometry
1985-1986 Meet 4 Juniors
1985-1986 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1985-1986 Meet 1 Seniors
1985-1986 Meet 2 Seniors
number theory
1985-1986 Meet 3 Seniors
trig equations
1985-1986 Meet 4 Seniors
1985-1986 Meet 5 Seniors
1986-1987 Meet 1 Frosh
arithmetic topics
1986-1987 Meet 2 Frosh
Linear equations and inequalities
1986-1987 Meet 3 Frosh
number bases
1986-1987 Meet 4 Frosh
word problems
1986-1987 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
1986-1987 Meet 1 Sophomores
1986-1987 Meet 2 Sophomores
word problems
1986-1987 Meet 3 Sophomores
right triangles
1986-1987 Meet 4 Sophomores
1986-1987 Meet 5 Sophomores
1986-1987 Meet 1 Juniors
systems of equations & inequalities
1986-1987 Meet 2 Juniors
coordinate geometry
1986-1987 Meet 3 Juniors
logs and exponents
1986-1987 Meet 4 Juniors
sequences and series
1986-1987 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1986-1987 Meet 1 Seniors
1986-1987 Meet 2 Seniors
1986-1987 Meet 3 Seniors
1986-1987 Meet 4 Seniors
1986-1987 Meet 5 Seniors
1986-1987 Meet 1 Orals
Modern Introductory Analysis, Dolciani, et al. 1964. Chapter 15, Sections 1-8, Pages 599-626
1986-1987 Meet 3 Orals
graph theory
An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Steven Roman; Saunders College Publishing [383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017] 1986. Chapter 6, sections 1-3, pages 295-334
1987-1988 Meet 1 Frosh
arithmetic topics
1987-1988 Meet 2 Frosh
primes and factors
1987-1988 Meet 3 Frosh
Linear equations and inequalities
1987-1988 Meet 4 Frosh
word problems
1987-1988 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra 1
1987-1988 Meet 1 Sophomores
sets and venn diagrams
1987-1988 Meet 2 Sophomores
systems of equations
1987-1988 Meet 3 Sophomores
angles and polygons
1987-1988 Meet 4 Sophomores
similar triangles
1987-1988 Meet 5 Sophomores
1987-1988 Meet 1 Juniors
surface area, volume
1987-1988 Meet 2 Juniors
absolute value
1987-1988 Meet 3 Juniors
1987-1988 Meet 4 Juniors
1987-1988 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1987-1988 Meet 1 Seniors
1987-1988 Meet 2 Seniors
1987-1988 Meet 3 Seniors
1987-1988 Meet 4 Seniors
1987-1988 Meet 5 Seniors
1987-1988 Meet 1 Orals
sets, one-to-one correspondence, countable and uncountable sets
An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Steven Roman. Saunders College Publishing [383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017] 1986, Chapter 1, sections 1-3, pages 1-35
1987-1988 Meet 2 Orals
mathematics of matrices
Mathematics of Matrices, by Davis. 1965. Pages 125-158
1987-1988 Meet 3 Orals
geometric transformations
Modern Geometries, James Smart. Brooks Cole Pub. Co. [Monteray, CA 93940] 2nd edition. Sections 2.1-2.4, pages 33-57
1987-1988 Meet 4 Orals
logic and logic circuits
An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Steven Roman. Saunders College Publishing [383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017] 1986. Chapter 2, sections 1-4, pages 61-97
1988-1989 Meet 1 Frosh
ration, proportion, percent
1988-1989 Meet 2 Frosh
1988-1989 Meet 3 Frosh
simple probability
1988-1989 Meet 4 Frosh
data analysis
1988-1989 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
1988-1989 Meet 1 Sophomores
1988-1989 Meet 2 Sophomores
ratio, proportion
1988-1989 Meet 3 Sophomores
right triangles
1988-1989 Meet 4 Sophomores
1988-1989 Meet 5 Sophomores
1988-1989 Meet 1 Juniors
coordinate geometry
1988-1989 Meet 2 Juniors
1988-1989 Meet 3 Juniors
logs and exponents
1988-1989 Meet 4 Juniors
binomial theorem
1988-1989 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1988-1989 Meet 1 Seniors
polynomial equations
1988-1989 Meet 2 Seniors
1988-1989 Meet 3 Seniors
1988-1989 Meet 4 Seniors
Max & Min problems
1988-1989 Meet 5 Seniors
1988-1989 Meet 1 Orals
geometric probability
UMAP Module 660: Applications of High School Mathematics in Geometric Probability, Richard Dalke and Robert Falkner.)
1988-1989 Meet 2 Orals
euclidean geometry of the polygon and circle
Modern Geometries, James Smart. Brooks Cole Pub. Co. [Monteray, CA 93940] 2nd edition. Sections 4.1-4.3; p. 127-147
1988-1989 Meet 3 Orals
An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Steven Roman. Saunders College Publishing [383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017] 1986. Chapter 4, sections 1-8, pages 167-221
1988-1989 Meet 4 Orals
applications of the derivative
Max/Min, Related Rates, Rolle?s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem.) (Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Thomas & Finney. Addison Wesley 6th edition. Chapter 3, sections 5-8, pages 205-231)
1988-1989 Meet 1 Essay
1988-1989 Meet 2 Essay
1988-1989 Meet 3 Essay
1988-1989 Meet 4 Essay
1989-1990 Meet 1 Frosh
arithmetic topics
Geometry For Enjoyment And Challenge, Rhoad, Milauskas and Whipple. McDougall Littell.)
1989-1990 Meet 2 Frosh
primes and factors
1989-1990 Meet 3 Frosh
Linear equations and inequalities
1989-1990 Meet 4 Frosh
1989-1990 Meet 5 Frosh
1989-1990 Meet 1 Sophomores
sets and venn diagrams
1989-1990 Meet 2 Sophomores
applications of algebra to geometry
1989-1990 Meet 3 Sophomores
2-D similarity
1989-1990 Meet 4 Sophomores
perimeter, area
1989-1990 Meet 5 Sophomores
1989-1990 Meet 1 Juniors
geometric probability
1989-1990 Meet 2 Juniors
absolute value
1989-1990 Meet 3 Juniors
logs and exponents
1989-1990 Meet 4 Juniors
sequences and series
1989-1990 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1989-1990 Meet 1 Seniors
1989-1990 Meet 2 Seniors
trig with applications
1989-1990 Meet 3 Seniors
1989-1990 Meet 4 Seniors
analysis of graphs (with calculus)
1989-1990 Meet 5 Seniors
1989-1990 Meet 2 Orals
graph theory
Discrete Mathematics, Roman
1990-1991 Meet 1 Frosh
arithmetic topics
1990-1991 Meet 2 Frosh
number bases
1990-1991 Meet 3 Frosh
data analysis
1990-1991 Meet 4 Frosh
ratio, proportion
1990-1991 Meet 5 Frosh
1990-1991 Meet 1 Sophomores
1990-1991 Meet 2 Sophomores
ratio, proportion, variation
1990-1991 Meet 3 Sophomores
right triangles
1990-1991 Meet 4 Sophomores
surface area
1990-1991 Meet 5 Sophomores
1990-1991 Meet 1 Juniors
1990-1991 Meet 2 Juniors
one-variable inequalities with absolute value
1990-1991 Meet 3 Juniors
applications of quadratics and graph analysis
1990-1991 Meet 4 Juniors
logs and exponents
1990-1991 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1990-1991 Meet 1 Seniors
polynomial equations
1990-1991 Meet 2 Seniors
1990-1991 Meet 3 Seniors
advanced probability including combinatorics
1990-1991 Meet 4 Seniors
Max & Min problems
1990-1991 Meet 5 Seniors
1990-1991 Meet 1 Orals
linear programming
Finite Mathematics, Lial, Miller
1990-1991 Meet 2 Orals
sets, one-to-one correspondence, countable and uncountable sets
Discrete Mathematics, Roman
1990-1991 Meet 3 Orals
Finite Mathematics, Weiss, Yoseloff
1990-1991 Meet 4 Orals
mathematics of matrices
Mathematics of Matrices, Davis
1990-1991 Meet 4 GraphingCalculatorContest
1991-1992 Meet 1 Frosh
perimeter, area
1991-1992 Meet 2 Frosh
basic counting principals
1991-1992 Meet 3 Frosh
Linear equations and inequalities
1991-1992 Meet 4 Frosh
1991-1992 Meet 5 Frosh
1991-1992 Meet 1 Sophomores
1991-1992 Meet 2 Sophomores
algeba/geometry connections
Analytic Geometry, Gordon Fuller. Addison Wesley. Chapter 7 [6th edition] or Chapter 6 [5th edition])
1991-1992 Meet 3 Sophomores
geomtric probability
1991-1992 Meet 4 Sophomores
regular polygons
1991-1992 Meet 5 Sophomores
1991-1992 Meet 1 Juniors
1991-1992 Meet 2 Juniors
rational functions
1991-1992 Meet 3 Juniors
logs and exponents
1991-1992 Meet 4 Juniors
linear diophantine equations
1991-1992 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1991-1992 Meet 1 Seniors
coordinate geometry
1991-1992 Meet 2 Seniors
1991-1992 Meet 3 Seniors
allowed |
graphs of functions
1991-1992 Meet 4 Seniors
1991-1992 Meet 5 Seniors
1991-1992 Meet 1 Orals
polar coordinates
1991-1992 Meet 2 Orals
mathematical induction
Discrete Mathematics, John Dossey, Scott Foresman. Sections 2.5 and 2.6
1991-1992 Meet 3 Orals
growth and decay
Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Leithold, Harper, and Row. Section 6.6 [5th edition] or section 7.7 [6th edition].)
1991-1992 Meet 4 Orals
markov chains
Finite Mathematics, Lial and Miller. Scott Foresman 4th edition. Chapter 8
1991-1992 Meet 3 GraphingCalculatorContest
1992-1993 Meet 1 Frosh
ratio, proportion, percent
1992-1993 Meet 2 Frosh
algebra/geometry applications
1992-1993 Meet 3 Frosh
sets and venn diagrams
1992-1993 Meet 4 Frosh
linear equations
1992-1993 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
1992-1993 Meet 1 Sophomores
linear systems
1992-1993 Meet 2 Sophomores
geometric probability
1992-1993 Meet 3 Sophomores
1992-1993 Meet 4 Sophomores
1992-1993 Meet 5 Sophomores
1992-1993 Meet 1 Juniors
right triangle trig
1992-1993 Meet 2 Juniors
combinations and permutations
1992-1993 Meet 3 Juniors
Max & Min problems
1992-1993 Meet 4 Juniors
logs and exponents
1992-1993 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1992-1993 Meet 1 Seniors
3-D Space Geometry: area and volume
1992-1993 Meet 2 Seniors
allowed |
trig applications
1992-1993 Meet 3 Seniors
sequences and series
1992-1993 Meet 4 Seniors
advanced probability
1992-1993 Meet 5 Seniors
1992-1993 Meet 1 Orals
combinatorial analysis
Finite Mathematics, Weiss and Youseloff. Worth Pub. 1975. Chapter 3
1992-1993 Meet 2 Orals
set theory
Finite Mathematics; Weiss & Youseloff, Worth Pub. 1975. Chapter 2
1992-1993 Meet 3 Orals
Chaos, Fractals, and Dynamics, Robert Devaney. Addison Wesley. Chapters 1 and 2
1992-1993 Meet 4 Orals
groups and graphs
Groups & Their Graphs, Grossman and Mangus. MAA New Mathematical Library, Book 14. Pages 3-55
1993-1994 Meet 1 Frosh
non-algebraic word problems
1993-1994 Meet 2 Frosh
linear equations
1993-1994 Meet 3 Frosh
coordinate geometry
1993-1994 Meet 4 Frosh
1993-1994 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
1993-1994 Meet 1 Sophomores
1993-1994 Meet 2 Sophomores
coordinate geometry
1993-1994 Meet 3 Sophomores
1993-1994 Meet 4 Sophomores
right triangles
1993-1994 Meet 5 Sophomores
1993-1994 Meet 1 Juniors
1993-1994 Meet 2 Juniors
surface area, volume
1993-1994 Meet 3 Juniors
logs and exponents
1993-1994 Meet 4 Juniors
rational functions
1993-1994 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1993-1994 Meet 1 Seniors
operations on functions
1993-1994 Meet 2 Seniors
1993-1994 Meet 3 Seniors
rational equations and inequalities
1993-1994 Meet 4 Seniors
1993-1994 Meet 5 Seniors
1993-1994 Meet 1 Orals
parametric equations
Analytic Geometry, Gordon Fuller. Addison Wesley. Chapter 8 [6th edition] or Chapter 7 [5th edition])
1993-1994 Meet 2 Orals
Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, Stephen Maurer and Anthony Ralston. Addison Wesley 1991. Sections 2.1-2.5, pages 137-178
1993-1994 Meet 3 Orals
statistics and probability distributions
Finite Mathematics, Lial and Miller. Scott Foresman. Sections 7.1-7.4
1993-1994 Meet 4 Orals
Fractals for the Classroom, volume 2. NCTM Publication
1994-1995 Meet 1 Frosh
ratio, proportion, percent
1994-1995 Meet 2 Frosh
number theory
1994-1995 Meet 3 Frosh
word problems
1994-1995 Meet 4 Frosh
algebra/geometry applications
1994-1995 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
1994-1995 Meet 1 Sophomores
sets and venn diagrams
1994-1995 Meet 2 Sophomores
systems of equations and inequalities
1994-1995 Meet 3 Sophomores
1994-1995 Meet 4 Sophomores
Perimeter, Area, Volume
1994-1995 Meet 5 Sophomores
1994-1995 Meet 1 Juniors
1994-1995 Meet 2 Juniors
1994-1995 Meet 3 Juniors
logs and exponents
1994-1995 Meet 4 Juniors
analysis of functions
1994-1995 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1994-1995 Meet 1 Seniors
sequences and series
1994-1995 Meet 2 Seniors
1994-1995 Meet 3 Seniors
vector analytic graphing
1994-1995 Meet 4 Seniors
Max & Min problems
1994-1995 Meet 5 Seniors
1994-1995 Meet 1 Orals
digraphs and networks
Finite Mathematics, by Lial and Miller. Scott Foresman. Chapter 11
1994-1995 Meet 2 Orals
difference equations
Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, Stephen Maurer and Anthony Ralston. Addison Wesley 1991. Sections 5.1 ? 5.5.)
1994-1995 Meet 3 Orals
theory of congruences
Elementary Number Theory, David M. Burton. William C. Brown Pub. 3rd edition. Chapter 4.)
1994-1995 Meet 4 Orals
error correcting codes
Elementary Number Theory, David M. Burton. William C. Brown Pub. 3rd edition. Chapter 4.)
1995-1996 Meet 1 Frosh
perimeter, area
1995-1996 Meet 2 Frosh
simple probability
1995-1996 Meet 3 Frosh
sets and venn diagrams
1995-1996 Meet 4 Frosh
Linear equations and inequalities
1995-1996 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
1995-1996 Meet 1 Sophomores
linear systems
1995-1996 Meet 2 Sophomores
geometric probability
1995-1996 Meet 3 Sophomores
coordinate geometry
1995-1996 Meet 4 Sophomores
1995-1996 Meet 5 Sophomores
1995-1996 Meet 1 Juniors
1995-1996 Meet 2 Juniors
2-D and 3-D locus (Geometric Loci)
1995-1996 Meet 3 Juniors
1995-1996 Meet 4 Juniors
sequences and series
1995-1996 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1995-1996 Meet 1 Seniors
triangle trig
1995-1996 Meet 2 Seniors
pre-calculus word problems
1995-1996 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
1995-1996 Meet 4 Seniors
1995-1996 Meet 5 Seniors
1995-1996 Meet 1 Orals
graph theory
An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Steven Roman. Saunders College Pub. 1986. Sections 6.1-6.3
1995-1996 Meet 2 Orals
linear programming: The simplex method
Finite Mathematics, Lial and Miller. Scott Foresman 4th edition. Sections 4.1-4.4 [Chapter 3 may need to be read as well for background]
1995-1996 Meet 3 Orals
Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, Stephen Maurer and Anthony Ralston. Addison Wesley 1991. Sections 7.1-7.5
1995-1996 Meet 4 Orals
taxicab geometry
Taxicab Geometry, an Adventure in Non-Euclidean Geometry, Eugene Krause. Dover Publications. Chapters 1-5.)
1996-1997 Meet 1 Frosh
perimeter, area
1996-1997 Meet 2 Frosh
number bases
1996-1997 Meet 3 Frosh
linear equations
1996-1997 Meet 4 Frosh
1996-1997 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
1996-1997 Meet 1 Sophomores
1996-1997 Meet 2 Sophomores
Coordinate Geometry
1996-1997 Meet 3 Sophomores
Perimeter, Area, and Volume
1996-1997 Meet 4 Sophomores
1996-1997 Meet 5 Sophomores
1996-1997 Meet 1 Juniors
matrices with applications
1996-1997 Meet 2 Juniors
surface area, volume
1996-1997 Meet 3 Juniors
Right triangle trig
1996-1997 Meet 4 Juniors
logs and exponents with applications
1996-1997 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1996-1997 Meet 1 Seniors
1996-1997 Meet 2 Seniors
trig equations and functions
1996-1997 Meet 3 Seniors
1996-1997 Meet 4 Seniors
vector analytic graphing
1996-1997 Meet 5 Seniors
1996-1997 Meet 1 Orals
(Discrete Math, John Dossey, et al. Scott Foresman, Sections 2.5 and 2.6
1996-1997 Meet 2 Orals
matrix games
Finite Mathematics, Weiss and Youseloff. Worth Pub. 1975. Pages 479-521
1996-1997 Meet 3 Orals
Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Joseph A. Gallian. D.C. Heath 3rd edition, 1994. Pages 23-67. [ISBN #0-669-33907-5] [There is a solution manual available as well.])
1996-1997 Meet 4 Orals
mathematics in medicine
Contemporary Applied Mathematics, Sacco, Copes, Sloyer, and Stark. Jansen Publications [ISBN #: 0-939-765-06-3] [There is also a teacher's guide available.]) (UMAP Module 456 Genetic Counseling) (UMAP Modules 105 and 109 Food Service Management Applications of Matrix Methods: Food Service and Dietary Requirements
1997-1998 Meet 1 Frosh
none |
number bases
1997-1998 Meet 2 Frosh
basic counting principals
1997-1998 Meet 3 Frosh
coordinate geometry
1997-1998 Meet 4 Frosh
Linear equations and inequalities
1997-1998 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
1997-1998 Meet 1 Sophomores
none |
coordinate geometry
1997-1998 Meet 2 Sophomores
geometric probability
1997-1998 Meet 3 Sophomores
Perimeter, Area, Volume
1997-1998 Meet 4 Sophomores
triangle trig
1997-1998 Meet 5 Sophomores
1997-1998 Meet 1 Juniors
none |
manipulation of algebraic expressions and equations
1997-1998 Meet 2 Juniors
1997-1998 Meet 3 Juniors
sequences and series
1997-1998 Meet 4 Juniors
1997-1998 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1997-1998 Meet 1 Seniors
none |
1997-1998 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
Max & Min problems
1997-1998 Meet 3 Seniors
1997-1998 Meet 4 Seniors
1997-1998 Meet 5 Seniors
1997-1998 Meet 1 Orals
iteration, Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics
Chaos, Fractals, and Dynamics, Robert Devaney. Addison Wesley 1990 [ISBN #0-201-23288-X]. Chapters 1 and 2
1997-1998 Meet 2 Orals
Mathematics of Matrices, Phillip Davis. Ginn and Co. 1965. [Library of Congress #64-24818] Sections 4.1 - 4.5
1997-1998 Meet 3 Orals
differential equations
Calculus, Deborah Hughes-Hallet et al. John Wiley and Sons 1994. Sections 9.1-9.8, pages 477-552
1997-1998 Meet 4 Orals
mathematics in politics
Mathematics in Politics - Strategies, Voting, Power, and Proof, Allen D. Taylor. [ISBN #0-387-94391-9] Chapters 1 and 2.
1998-1999 Meet 1 Frosh
none |
ratio, proportion, percent
1998-1999 Meet 2 Frosh
applications of algebra to junior high geometry
1998-1999 Meet 3 Frosh
coordinate geometry
1998-1999 Meet 4 Frosh
linear systems of equations and inequalities
1998-1999 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
1998-1999 Meet 1 Sophomores
none |
equations and inequalities
1998-1999 Meet 2 Sophomores
exponents with applications
1998-1999 Meet 3 Sophomores
1998-1999 Meet 4 Sophomores
1998-1999 Meet 5 Sophomores
1998-1999 Meet 1 Juniors
none |
1998-1999 Meet 2 Juniors
linear, quadratic, and rational functions
1998-1999 Meet 3 Juniors
1998-1999 Meet 4 Juniors
triangle trig
1998-1999 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1998-1999 Meet 1 Seniors
none |
logs and exponents
1998-1999 Meet 2 Seniors
1998-1999 Meet 3 Seniors
1998-1999 Meet 4 Seniors
1998-1999 Meet 5 Seniors
1998-1999 Meet 1 Orals
markov chains
Finite Mathematics, Lial and Miller. Scott Foresman 4th edition. Chapter 8
1998-1999 Meet 2 Orals
Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Joseph A. Gallian. D.C. Heath 3rd edition, 1994. Pages 23-67. [ISBN #0-669-33907-5] [There is a solution manual available as well
1998-1999 Meet 3 Orals
Discrete Math, John Dossey, et al. Scott Foresman. Sections 2.5 and 2.6.
1998-1999 Meet 4 Orals
topics in geometry
Discrete Math, John Dossey, et al. Scott Foresman. Sections 2.5 and 2.6.
1999-2000 Meet 1 Frosh
modular arithmetic
1999-2000 Meet 2 Frosh
basic counting principals and simple probability
1999-2000 Meet 3 Frosh
linear equations
1999-2000 Meet 4 Frosh
word problems
1999-2000 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
1999-2000 Meet 1 Sophomores
absolute value equations and inequalities
1999-2000 Meet 2 Sophomores
geometric probability
1999-2000 Meet 3 Sophomores
right triangle trig with applications
1999-2000 Meet 4 Sophomores
1999-2000 Meet 5 Sophomores
1999-2000 Meet 1 Juniors
coordinate geometry
1999-2000 Meet 2 Juniors
algebraic word problems
1999-2000 Meet 3 Juniors
analysis of polynomials
1999-2000 Meet 4 Juniors
logs and exponents
1999-2000 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
1999-2000 Meet 1 Seniors
trig equations
1999-2000 Meet 2 Seniors
sequences and series
1999-2000 Meet 3 Seniors
complex numbers
1999-2000 Meet 4 Seniors
1999-2000 Meet 5 Seniors
1999-2000 Meet 1 Orals
parametric equations
Analytic Geometry, Gordon Fuller. 7th edition. Chapter 8
1999-2000 Meet 2 Orals
linear diophantine equations
Linear Systems - Beyond the Unique Solution, Wally Dodge and Paul Sally
1999-2000 Meet 3 Orals
linear transformations of the plane
Mathematics of Matrices, Phillip David. Ginn and Co. Sections 4.1-4.5
1999-2000 Meet 4 Orals
geometric inversions
Excursions in Geometry, C. Stanley Ogilvy. Chapters 3 and 4
2000-2001 Meet 1 Frosh
none |
number bases
includes conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 - 16); finding the base given some information.
2000-2001 Meet 2 Frosh
volume, surface area, and 3-D visualization
Nets (A good print source is the Merrill Geometry book by Burrill, Cummins, Kanold, and Yunker; a good internet source is www.peda.com/poty), cones, prisms, cylinders, regular right pyramids, spheres, area as ? apothem * perimeter
2000-2001 Meet 3 Frosh
systems of equations
linear and non-linear - with applications - limited to two variables. May include absolute value. Students should know how to solve a non?linear system graphically and should know vocabulary such as consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent.
2000-2001 Meet 4 Frosh
quadratic functions and equations with applications
2000-2001 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
2000-2001 Meet 1 Sophomores
none |
sets and venn diagrams
2000-2001 Meet 2 Sophomores
coordinate geometry
including equations of circles. (Radius perpendicular to tangent) Students should be able to complete the square.
2000-2001 Meet 3 Sophomores
linear and non-linear - with applications - limited to two variables. May include absolute value. Students should know how to solve a non?linear system graphically and should know vocabulary such as consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent.
2000-2001 Meet 4 Sophomores
triangle trig
includes Law of Sines and Law of Cosines, as well as area of triangles. (May include ambiguous case)
2000-2001 Meet 5 Sophomores
2000-2001 Meet 1 Juniors
none |
Standard material including arcs, angles, area, power theorems, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors, and segments. Does not include trig or equations of circles.
2000-2001 Meet 2 Juniors
algebra of functions
includes piecewise; no trig, no exponents, no logs
2000-2001 Meet 3 Juniors
sequences and series
may include sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic and geometric sequences and series.
2000-2001 Meet 4 Juniors
Basic operations and applications involving transformations of the plane including rotations about the origin, reflections over lines and through the origin, sheers, dilations.
2000-2001 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2000-2001 Meet 1 Seniors
none |
theory of equations
including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems; upper bounds, coefficient analysis; determining equations given various info.
2000-2001 Meet 2 Seniors
3-D Geometry: area and volume
2000-2001 Meet 3 Seniors
equations and graphs defined parametrically (no calculus)
2000-2001 Meet 4 Seniors
including polars and eccentricity, no parametrics or rotations
2000-2001 Meet 5 Seniors
2000-2001 Meet 1 Orals
graph theory
Histomap Module 21: "Drawing Pictures with One Line," Darrah Chavey. COMAP, 1992 (ISSN: 0889-2652) (Suite 210, 57 Bedford St., Lexington, Ma. 02173-4496
2000-2001 Meet 2 Orals
rings and integral domains
Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Joseph A. Gallian, D.C. Heath, 3rd edition, 1994, Chapters 12,13,14 (ISBN#: 0-669-33907-5) (There is a solution manual available as well
2000-2001 Meet 3 Orals
Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, Stephen Maurer and Anthony Ralston: Addison Wesley; 1991; Sections 7.1-7.3,7.5
2000-2001 Meet 4 Orals
linear transformation of the plane
Mathematics of Matrices, Phillip Davis, Ginn and Co., 1965, Library of Congress: 64-24818, Pages 125-161 (Out of Print)
2001-2002 Meet 1 Frosh
none |
number theory
may include patterns (such as trailing zeros), factors, primes, divisibility rules, prime factors of powers, unique factorization, LCM, GCD, and their relationships.
2001-2002 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
Linear equations and inequalities
includes word problems leading to linear equations and inequalities, as well as simple absolute value equations and inequalities.
2001-2002 Meet 4 Frosh
graphing |
quadration functions and equations with applications
no complex numbers
2001-2002 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2001-2002 Meet 1 Sophomores
none |
coordinate geometry
includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallel, perpendicular, equations of lines, simple area and perimeter, and applications. No circles.
2001-2002 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11.
2001-2002 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
the standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector theorem.
2001-2002 Meet 4 Sophomores
graphing |
advanced geometry topics
restricted to: Brahmagupta?s formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart?s Theorem, Ptolemy?s Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva?s Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. A good reference would be Geometry by Rhoad, Milauskas, and Whipple, Chapter 16
2001-2002 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2001-2002 Meet 1 Juniors
none |
3-D space geometry, surface area, volume and distance formula
This is a geometry topic, not a vector topic. It does not include writing equations of planes and lines in space. It does include representation of points on a 3D coordinate system, as well as finding volumes and surface areas of all sorts of different shapes. It assumes a knowledge of special right triangles and the ability to use them in 3-space.
2001-2002 Meet 2 Juniors
graphing |
This is the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution, expected value, nor geometric probability.
2001-2002 Meet 3 Juniors
graphing |
logs and exponents including applications
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, exponential and logarithmic growth and decay. No complex numbers.
2001-2002 Meet 4 Juniors
graphing |
analysis of polynomials
including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems; coefficient analysis; determining equations given various information.
2001-2002 Meet 5 Juniors
graphing |
Algebra II
2001-2002 Meet 1 Seniors
none |
sequences and series
including but not restricted to sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series.
2001-2002 Meet 2 Seniors
may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability.
2001-2002 Meet 3 Seniors
trig applications
including laws of sines and cosines, sinusoidal functions and, of course, word problems.
2001-2002 Meet 4 Seniors
including polars and eccentricity. There should be no parametrics nor rotations.
2001-2002 Meet 5 Seniors
2001-2002 Meet 1 Orals
markov chains
Finite Mathematics by Lial and Miller, Scott Foresman, 4th edition, Chapter 8.
2001-2002 Meet 2 Orals
Discrete Math by John Dossey et al, Scott Foresman, Sections 2.5-2.6
2001-2002 Meet 3 Orals
perfect numbers
Excursions into Mathematics by Beck, Bleicher, and Crowe, A.K. Peters, LTd. (ISBM: 1568811152), Chapter 2, Sections 1-5
2001-2002 Meet 4 Orals
Geometry, Geometric Inequalities
Geometric Inequalities by Kazarinoff, MAA, Chapter 2
2002-2003 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
linear equations
including word problems leading to linear equations in one variable and simple absolute value equations. (No systems)
2002-2003 Meet 2 Frosh
none |
number bases
including conversion and computation in different bases and finding the base given some information.
2002-2003 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
basic counting principals and simple probability
including tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. Question writers are aware that this is an unfamiliar topic for freshmen.
2002-2003 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
rational expressions
simplifying rational expressions, solving equations involving rational expressions, word problems, basic algebra 1 factoring.
2002-2003 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2002-2003 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
applications of algebra to basic plane geometry
May include area, perimeter, similarity, Pythagorean theorem, the coordinate plane (but not graphing equations), parallel line relationships, angle sums of triangles and quadrilaterals, isosceles triangle theorems, supplements, and complements. Does not require an extensive knowledge of geometry.
2002-2003 Meet 2 Sophomores
none |
logic, sets, and venn diagrams
Notation, intersection, union, subsets, empty set, complements, universal set, cardinality, solution sets, and number of subsets (no power sets). Should include classic type Venn diagram problems involving how many things are in various intersections (i.e. If 23 students take chemistry and 37 take math and altogether there are 45 students in either, how many take both math and chemistry?). Emphasis for logic is on using logic, not formal vocabulary. No truth tables.
2002-2003 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
geometric probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11.
2002-2003 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
The standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector theorem.
2002-2003 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2002-2003 Meet 1 Juniors
graphing |
standard material including power theorems, arcs, angles, area, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments, and equations of circles. No trig.
2002-2003 Meet 2 Juniors
none |
This is the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution or expected value.
2002-2003 Meet 3 Juniors
graphing |
logs and exponents including applications
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, exponential and logarithmic growth and decay. No complex numbers.
2002-2003 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
algebra of complex numbers
Simplifying and factoring, solving linear and quadratic equations with complex coefficients, solving linear systems with complex coefficients, square roots of complex numbers, powers of pure imaginary numbers, absolute value of complex numbers and simple Argand diagrams. Does not include vectors, polars, or DeMoivre?s Theorem.
2002-2003 Meet 5 Juniors
graphing |
Algebra II
2002-2003 Meet 1 Seniors
Pre-Calculus Word Problems
including interest, regression, growth and decay, linear quadratic and exponential relations. Excludes trig applications.
2002-2003 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
sequences and series
including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series.
2002-2003 Meet 3 Seniors
may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability.
2002-2003 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
limits of functions
includes all standard functions, i.e. rational, logarithmic, exponential and trig. May include slant as well as horizontal and vertical asymptotes. Will not include sequences and series.
2002-2003 Meet 5 Seniors
2002-2003 Meet 1 Orals
polar coordinates and equations
Analytic Geometry, 7th edition, by Gordon Fuller and Dalton Tarwalter, Ch 7. This does not include the polar conics. (This is chapter 6 in the 5th edition, but content is consistent. edition. Chapter 8
2002-2003 Meet 2 Orals
taxicab geometry
Taxicab Geometry, an Adventure in Non-Euclidean Geometry, Eugene Krause. Dover Publications. Chapters 2-5 (pp.12-49)
2002-2003 Meet 3 Orals
matrix games
excursions into Mathematics by Beck, Bleicher, and Crowe, chapter 5, sections 6 & 7
2002-2003 Meet 4 Orals
conic sections
there was no set source for this topic; contestants could use whatever source they liked. The ICTM specified the information they needed to know, though.
2003-2004 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
ratios, proportions, and percent
may include money, interest, discounts, unit conversions, percents of increase, decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of algebra and does not include advanced problem solving skills. While the questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants.
2003-2004 Meet 2 Frosh
none |
sets and venn diagrams
Notation, intersection, union, subsets, empty set, complements, universal set, cardinality, solution sets, and number of subsets. Does not include power sets.
2003-2004 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
applications of systems of linear equations and inequalities
including linear programming limited to considering the vertices of an enclosed area.
2003-2004 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
applying algebra to geometry problems
geometry including area, Pythagorean. Theorem, coordinate plane (no graphing equations), angle sums of triangles and quads, Isosceles Triangle theorems, parallel line relationships, supplements, and complements. The emphasis here should be on the algebraic representation of geometric relationships. Problems should yield linear equations and perhaps a simple quadratic equation.
2003-2004 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2003-2004 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
coordinate geometry with applications
includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallel, perpendicular, equations of lines, simple area and perimeter, and applications (no circles).
2003-2004 Meet 2 Sophomores
none |
area, perimeter, and volume
standard geometric formulas including ratio relationships between linear measurements, area, and volume. Students should be familiar with vocabulary of solids such as slant height and apothem. Could include any geometric shape that can be approached by standard formulas or special right triangles. Will not require trig or similarity.
2003-2004 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
geometric probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11.
2003-2004 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
geometry of the right triangle including trigonometry
Trig restricted to sine, cosine, and tangent in degrees only; includes values of special angles.
2003-2004 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2003-2004 Meet 1 Juniors
graphing |
algebra of matrices and determinants
including linear transformations which can include solving large systems of equations, operations of matrices including row reduction, using matrix inverses, and transition matrices. Possible sources: Chapters on Systems and Linear Programming in Mathematics with Applications (6th, 7th, or 8th Editions) by Lial & Hungerford (Addison-Wesley). See also Sections 8.6 & 8.7 in Advanced Algebra Through Data Exploration by Murdock, Kamischke, and Kamischke (Key Curriculum). Clarification: There will be no questions on the Simplex method, linear programming, Leontief model problems. (Essentially, none of the material in chapter 8 of the Applications book will be tested.) There will be at least one question about transition matrices. There will be at least one question that can not be done without a calculator.
2003-2004 Meet 2 Juniors
none |
this is the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution or expected value.
2003-2004 Meet 3 Juniors
graphing |
triangle trig
includes right triangle trig, laws of sines and cosines, area of a triangle, and Hero's Formula
2003-2004 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
logs and exponents
with Applications may include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, exponential logarithmic growth and decay. (No complex numbers)
2003-2004 Meet 5 Juniors
graphing |
Algebra II
2003-2004 Meet 1 Seniors
may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, conditional probability, Bayes' Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability.
2003-2004 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
theory of equations
including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems; upper bounds, coefficient analysis; determining equations given various info.
2003-2004 Meet 3 Seniors
including locus definitions, eccentricity, directrix, no parametrics, no polar, and no rotations.
2003-2004 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
sequences and series
including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series.
2003-2004 Meet 5 Seniors
2003-2004 Meet 1 Orals
theory of congruences
Elementary Number Theory, David M. Burton. William C. Brown Pub. 3rd edition. Chapter 4.) (A new edition of this was released in 2001 and is available at Amazon. Check the used books section for some good deals.)
2003-2004 Meet 2 Orals
Analytic Geometry, 7th edition, by Gordon Fuller and Dalton Tarwalter, Ch 10. (In earlier editions, this is still Ch. 10)
2003-2004 Meet 3 Orals
An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Steven Roman. Ch. 4, sections 1-8, and Ch. 5 sections 1 & 2
2003-2004 Meet 4 Orals
markov chains
Finite Mathematics7th edition, by Lial, Greenwell, and Ritchey (Pearson Addison Wesley, 2002). Ch. 10, Sections 1-2 (p. 490 - 510).
2004-2005 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
area & perimeter
including squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, and shapes made from these. May include the Pythagorean Theorem.
2004-2005 Meet 2 Frosh
none |
number bases
including conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information.
2004-2005 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
basic counting principals and simple probability
including tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. Question writers are aware that this is an unfamiliar topic for freshmen.
2004-2005 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Linear equations and inequalities
includes word problems leading to linear equations and inequalities, as well as simple absolute value equations and inequalities.
2004-2005 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2004-2005 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
quadratic functions
including domain, range, inverse, composition, quadratic formula, graphs of quadratic functions, max and min values, and applications. Graphing calculator required.
2004-2005 Meet 2 Sophomores
none |
coordinate geometry
includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallel, perpendicular, equations of lines, simple area and perimeter, and applications. No circles.
2004-2005 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
geometric probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11.
2004-2005 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
the standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector theorem.
2004-2005 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2004-2005 Meet 1 Juniors
graphing |
standard material including power theorems, arcs, angles, area, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments, and equations of circles. No trig.
2004-2005 Meet 2 Juniors
none |
linear, quadratic, and rational functions
including domain and range, discontinuities, vertical, horizontal, and oblique asymptotes, and roots.
2004-2005 Meet 3 Juniors
graphing |
the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution or expected value.
2004-2005 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
logs and exponents with applications
may include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, exponential and logarithmic growth and decay. (No complex numbers)
2004-2005 Meet 5 Juniors
graphing |
Algebra II
2004-2005 Meet 1 Seniors
sequences and series
including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus.
2004-2005 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
complex numbers
including solutions to polynomial equations, complex algebra (including complex coefficients), and CIS format (rectangular and polar form).
2004-2005 Meet 3 Seniors
may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes' Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability.
2004-2005 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
trig equations and identities
including solving trig equations and simplifying trig expressions using standard formulas (double-angle, half-angle, sum-to-product, and product-to-sum).
2004-2005 Meet 5 Seniors
2004-2005 Meet 1 Orals
Divisibility Theory
Number Theory, by Burton. Third edition. (the entire chapter). ISBN: 0-697-13330-3
2004-2005 Meet 2 Orals
Contemporary Abstract Algebra, by Gallian. Third edition. (pp 23-67.)
2004-2005 Meet 3 Orals
mathematical induction
Discrete Math, by Dossey, et al. Chapter 2.5-2.6 (or 2.6-2.7 in other editions.)
2004-2005 Meet 4 Orals
The source is a monograph written by Rhoad and Whipple, and will be available from ICTM for $8 at the time of ICTM registration. The topic will come from sections 1.1 to 1.7, and will be the same for the ICTM Regional competition.
2005-2006 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
ratios, proportions, and percent
May include money, interest, discounts, unit conversions, percents of increase decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of Algebra and does not include advanced problem solving skills. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants.
2005-2006 Meet 2 Frosh
none |
systems of linear equations and inequalities with applications
Limited to two variables. May include absolute value and should know vocabulary such as consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent.
2005-2006 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
counting basics and simple probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. Question writers are aware that this is a new topic for freshmen.
2005-2006 Meet 4 Frosh
graphing |
word problems
Standard and nonstandard algebra word problems. Will include those solvable by linear equation systems in one or two variables.
2005-2006 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2005-2006 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
coordinate geometry
includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallel, perpendicular, equations of lines, simple area and perimeter, and applications. No circles.
2005-2006 Meet 2 Sophomores
none |
logic, sets, and venn diagrams
Notation, intersection, unions, subsets, empty set, compliments, supplements, universal set, cardinality of a set, solution sets, and a number of subsets. Should include classic type Venn diagram problems involving how many things are in various intersections. Emphasis for logic is on using logic, not formal vocabulary. No truth tables or power sets.
2005-2006 Meet 3 Sophomores
none |
Standard material including arcs, area, angles, power theorems, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments. Does not include trig or equations on circles.
2005-2006 Meet 4 Sophomores
graphing |
surface area & volume
This is a geometry topic, not a vector topic. It does not include writing equations of planes and lines in space. It does include finding volumes and surface areas of all sorts of different shapes. It assumes knowledge of special right triangles and the ability to use them in 3-space.
2005-2006 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2005-2006 Meet 1 Juniors
the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution and expected value
2005-2006 Meet 2 Juniors
none |
sytems of equations with applications
Up to 3 X 3 linear, linear X quadratic, quadratic X quadratic. Could include absolute value, exponential and literal equations. It will not require knowledge of logarithms.
2005-2006 Meet 3 Juniors
none |
functions and relations
non-recursive, standard functions, limited to linear, quadratic, rational, and including domain and range. May include inverse concepts.
2005-2006 Meet 4 Juniors
sequences and series
Including, but not restricted to sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration or pattern. Could include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus
2005-2006 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2005-2006 Meet 1 Seniors
may include solving, identities, inverses, applications, graphing (although no basic trig graphs, translations, etc.) and anything else that may come up in the study of trigonometry in degrees and radians. DeMoivre's Theorem and polar coordinates WILL NOT be covered.
2005-2006 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
systems of equations with applications
Systems to be no larger that three equations and three unknowns. Equations may include absolute value, exponential, logarithmic, quadratic, basic conics, and literal equations.
2005-2006 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
theory of equations
including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems, upper bounds, coefficient analysis, DesCartes' Rule of Signs, synthetic division, complex roots, and determining equations given various info.
2005-2006 Meet 4 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes' Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability.
2005-2006 Meet 5 Seniors
2005-2006 Meet 1 Orals
taxicab geometry
Taxicab Geometry: An Adventure in Non-Euclidean Geometry, by Eugene F Krause; Dover 1987. Chapters 2-5 (pages 12-49).
2005-2006 Meet 2 Orals
difference equations
Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, by Stephen Maurer and Anthony Ralston; Addison Wesley. Sections 5.1-5.5.
2005-2006 Meet 3 Orals
parametric equations
Analytic Geometry, by Gordon Fuller and Dalton Tarwater; Addison Wesley. Chapter 7 (5th Ed.), or Chapter 8 (6th and 7th Ed.).
2005-2006 Meet 4 Orals
Relations and Functions, Abstract Mathematics
Fundamental Notions of Abstract Mathematics, by Carol Schumacher; Addison-Wesley, 2001. ISBN: 0-201-43724-4. Regional: 4.1-4.3. State: 5.1-5.4. (Source contingent on copyright permissions.)
2006-2007 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
ratios, proportions, and percent
May include money, interest, discounts, unit conversions, percents of increase decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of Algebra and does not include advanced problem solving skills. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants.
2006-2007 Meet 2 Frosh
none |
number bases
including conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information.
2006-2007 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
area & perimeter
including squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, and shapes made from these. May include the Pythagorean Theorem. Area and perimeters of above shapes assumed; all others will be given.
2006-2007 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
systems of linear equations and inequalities with applications
Limited to two variables. May include absolute value and should know vocabulary such as consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent.
2006-2007 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2006-2007 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
applications of algebra to basic plane geometry
May include area, perimeter, similarity, Pythagorean theorem, the coordinate plane (but not graphing equations), parallel line relationships, angle sums of triangles and quadrilaterals, isosceles triangle theorems, supplements, and complements. Does not require an extensive knowledge of geometry.
2006-2007 Meet 2 Sophomores
none |
logic, sets, and venn diagrams
Notation, intersection, unions, subsets, empty set, compliments, supplements, universal set, cardinality of a set, solution sets, and number of subsets. Should include classic type Venn diagram problems involving how many things are in various intersections. Emphasis for logic is on using logic, not formal vocabulary. No truth tables or power sets.
2006-2007 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
geometric probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11. These can be downloaded for around $15.00 each.
2006-2007 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
the standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector theorem.
2006-2007 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2006-2007 Meet 1 Juniors
standard material including power theorems, arcs, angles, area, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments, and equations of circles. Coordinates are included. No trig.
2006-2007 Meet 2 Juniors
none |
sequences and series
including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus.
2006-2007 Meet 3 Juniors
the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution and expected value.
2006-2007 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
rational functions
including domain and range, discontinuities, vertical, horizontal, and oblique asymptotes, and roots.
2006-2007 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2006-2007 Meet 1 Seniors
trigonometry applications, equations, and theory
including laws of sines and cosines, and of course, word problems.
2006-2007 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
algebra of complex numbers
Simplifying and factoring, solving linear and quadratic equations with complex coefficients, solving linear systems with complex coefficients, vectors, polars, DeMoivre?s Theorem, and powers of pure imaginary numbers.
2006-2007 Meet 3 Seniors
including locus definitions, eccentricity, directrix, no parametrics, no polar, and no rotations.
2006-2007 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
theory of equations
including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems, upper bounds, coefficient analysis, DesCartes' Rule of Signs, synthetic division, complex roots, and determining equations given various info
2006-2007 Meet 5 Seniors
2006-2007 Meet 1 Orals
polar coordinates and equations
Analytic Geometry, by Gordon Fuller and Dalton Tarwater. (6th-7th ed: Ch. 7 except 7.6; 5th ed: Ch. 6 except 6.7). Previously used as a topic in 2002-2003.
2006-2007 Meet 2 Orals
graph theory
Graphs and Their Uses, by Ore, Oystein (MAA, 1963). (Ch. 1-3, excluding 1.7, 3.4-5 in newer ed.) Previously used as a topic in 1994-1995 and 1995-1996 with different sources.
2006-2007 Meet 3 Orals
linear diophantine equations
Linear Systems: Beyond the Unique Solution (monograph), by Wally Dodge and Paul Sally. Previously used as a topic in 1999-2000. A PDF copy of this source is available.
2006-2007 Meet 4 Orals
fair division
For All Practical Purposes (COMAP). Entire "Fair Division" chapter. (It is very likely that this book will be used next year, so purchasing it is encouraged.)
2007-2008 Meet 1 Frosh
none |
sets and venn diagrams
Notation, intersection, unions, subsets, empty set, compliments, supplements, universal set, cardinality of a set, solution sets, and number of subsets. Should include classic type Venn diagram problems involving how many things are in various intersections.
2007-2008 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
counting basics and simple probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. Question writers are aware that this is a new topic for freshmen.
2007-2008 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
systems of linear equations and inequalities with applications
Limited to two variables. May include absolute value and should know vocabulary such as consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent.
2007-2008 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
quadratic functions
includes domain, ranges, inverse, composition, quadratic formula, graphs of quadratic functions, max and min values, and applications.
2007-2008 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2007-2008 Meet 1 Sophomores
none |
applications of algebra to basic plane geometry
May include area, perimeter, similarity, Pythagorean Theorem, the coordinate plane (but not graphing equations), parallel line relationships, angle sums of triangles and quadrilaterals, isosceles triangle theorems, supplements, and complements. Does not require an extensive knowledge of geometry.
2007-2008 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
geometric probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11. These can be downloaded for around $15.00 each.
2007-2008 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
applications of systems involving area, perimeter, and volume
This is a geometry topic, not a vector topic. It does not include writing equations of planes and lines in space. It does include finding areas, volumes and surface areas of all sorts of different shapes and using them in combinations in applied settings. It assumes knowledge of special right triangles and the ability to use them in 3-space.
2007-2008 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
the standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector theorem.
2007-2008 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2007-2008 Meet 1 Juniors
none |
algebraic coordinate geometry including circles
standard material including power theorems, arcs, angles, area, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments, and equations of circles. Coordinates are included. No trig.
2007-2008 Meet 2 Juniors
the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution and expected value.
2007-2008 Meet 3 Juniors
application of systems of linear, quadratic, and rational equations
with: Up to 3 X 3 linear, linear X quadratic, quadratic X quadratic. Could include absolute value and rational equations. It will not require knowledge of logarithms.
2007-2008 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
logarithms and exponents
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, emphasis on properties, exponential logarithmic growth and decay, and applications (No complex numbers)
2007-2008 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2007-2008 Meet 1 Seniors
none |
complex numbers
including solutions to polynomial equations, complex algebra (including complex coefficients), and CIS format (rectangular and polar form).
2007-2008 Meet 2 Seniors
may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes' Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability
2007-2008 Meet 3 Seniors
applications of matrices and markov chains
includes solving large systems of equations, using matrix inverses and using transition matrices (aka Markov Chains)
2007-2008 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
trig equations and identities
includes solving trig equations and simplifying trig expressions using standard formulas (double-angle, half-angle, sum-to-product, and product-to-sum).
2007-2008 Meet 5 Seniors
2007-2008 Meet 1 Orals
game theory
For All Practical Purposes (COMAP), 6th ed. Chapter 16.
2007-2008 Meet 2 Orals
linear transformations of the plane
Mathematics of Matrices, by Phillip Davis. Ginn and Co., 1965, Library of Congress: 64-24818. Pages 125-161.
2007-2008 Meet 3 Orals
perfect numbers and factorization
Excursions into Mathematics, by Beck, Bleicher, Crowe. Sections 2.1-2.5.
2007-2008 Meet 4 Orals
voting methods
For All Practical Purposes (COMAP), 6th ed. Chapters 12-13.
2008-2009 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Ratios, Proportion and Percent
May include money, interest, discounts, unit conversions, percents of increase decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of Algebra and does not include advanced problem solving skills. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants.
2008-2009 Meet 2 Frosh
none |
Number bases
including conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information.
2008-2009 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
Linear equations and inequalities
includes word problems leading to linear equations and inequalities, as well as simple absolute value equations and inequalities.
2008-2009 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Rational expressions
simplifying rational expressions, solving equations involving rational expressions, word problems, basic algebra 1 factoring.
2008-2009 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
2008-2009 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Perimeter, Area, and Surface Area
including squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, and shapes made from these, including the Pythagorean Theorem.
2008-2009 Meet 2 Sophomores
none |
Coordinate geometry without circles
includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallel, perpendicular, equations of lines, simple area and perimeter, and applications.
2008-2009 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11.
2008-2009 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Advanced geometry topics
restricted to: Brahmagupta's formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart's Theorem, Ptolemy's Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva's Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. A good reference would be Geometry by Rhoad, Milauskas, and Whipple, Chapter 16.
2008-2009 Meet 5 Sophomores
2008-2009 Meet 1 Juniors
Geometry of the Right Triangle including Trigonometry
Geometry of right triangles including any special right triangles and trigonometric ratios restricted to sine, cosine, and tangent in degrees only.
2008-2009 Meet 2 Juniors
none |
Sequences and Series
including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus.
2008-2009 Meet 3 Juniors
Linear, Quadratic, and Rational Functions
including domain and range, discontinuities, vertical, horizontal, and oblique asymptotes, and roots.
2008-2009 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Logarithms and Exponents
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, emphasis on properties, exponential logarithmic growth and decay, and applications (No complex numbers).
2008-2009 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2008-2009 Meet 1 Seniors
Fundamantal counting principle, combinations and permutations, permutations with and without repetition, arrangements of distinguishable and non-distinguishable items with and without replacement, and probability involving these topics. No circular permutations. Possible sources: Advanced Mathematics by Richard G. Brown, sections 15-2 to 15-4, or Probability, a monograph by Rhoad and Whipple, used as oral reference for ICTM in '04-'05.
2008-2009 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
including locus definitions, eccentricity, and directrix. No parametrics, no polar, and no rotations.
2008-2009 Meet 3 Seniors
may include solving, identities, inverses, applications, graphing (although no basic trig graphs, translations, etc.) and anything else that may come up in the study of trigonometry in degrees and radians. DeMoivre's Theorem and polar coordinates WILL NOT be covered.
2008-2009 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
Theory of Equations
including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems, upper bounds, coefficient analysis, DesCartes' Rule of Signs, synthetic division, complex roots, and determining equations given various info. Possible sources: Advanced Mathematics by Richard G. Brown, or some older Pre-Calculus texts.
2008-2009 Meet 5 Seniors
2008-2009 Meet 1 Orals
Markov Chains
Finite Mathematics, by Lial and Miller (4th ed). Chapter 8.
2008-2009 Meet 2 Orals
Linear Programming
For All Practical Purposes, by COMAP (6th ed). Chapter 4.
2008-2009 Meet 3 Orals
Conic Sections
Analytic Geometry, by Fuller and Tarwater. Chapter 3.
2008-2009 Meet 4 Orals
For All Practical Purposes, by COMAP (6th ed). Chapter 1.
2009-2010 Meet 1 Frosh
none |
Sets and Venn Diagrams
Notation, intersection, unions, subsets, empty set, compliments, supplements, universal set, cardinality of a set, solution sets, and number of subsets. Should include classic type Venn diagram problems involving how many things are in various intersections.
2009-2010 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. Question writers are aware that this is a new topic for freshmen.
2009-2010 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities with Applications
Limited to two variables. May include
absolute value and should know vocabulary such as consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent.
2009-2010 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Coordinate Geometry
Includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallels, perpendiculars
and applications.
2009-2010 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
2009-2010 Meet 1 Sophomores
none |
Logic, Sets and Venn Diagrams
Notation, intersection, unions, subsets, empty set, complements, universal set, cardinality of a set, solution sets, and number of subsets. Should include classic type Venn diagram problems involving how many things are in various intersections. Emphasis for logic is on using logic, not formal vocabulary. No truth tables.
2009-2010 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult
geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry.
UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11.
2009-2010 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Transformations on a Plane
Includes reflections, rotations, translations, dilations, shears,
and compositions in two dimensions.
2009-2010 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
the standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume
relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may
include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector
2009-2010 Meet 5 Sophomores
2009-2010 Meet 1 Juniors
none |
Algebraic Coordinate Geometry including Circles
standard material including power theorems, arcs, angles, area, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments, and equations of circles. Coordinates are included. No trig.
2009-2010 Meet 2 Juniors
the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations,
mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should
not include binomial distribution and expected value.
2009-2010 Meet 3 Juniors
Applications Systems of Linear, Quadratic, and Rational Equations
Up to 3 X 3 linear, linear X
quadratic, quadratic X quadratic. Could include absolute value and rational equations. It will not
require knowledge of logarithms.
2009-2010 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Functions and Relations
Non-recursive, standard functions, limited to linear,
quadratic, rational, and piecewise including domain, range, and composition. May include inverse
concepts. No logs, exponential, nor trig.
2009-2010 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2009-2010 Meet 1 Seniors
none |
Algebra of Complex numbers
Simplifying and factoring, solving linear and
quadratic equations with complex coefficients, solving linear systems with complex coefficients, vectors, polars, and powers of pure imaginary numbers. No DeMoivre?s Theorem.
2009-2010 Meet 2 Seniors
may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and
independent events, conditional probability, Bayes' Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value,
and some simple geometric probability.
2009-2010 Meet 3 Seniors
Polar Coordinates and Equations
Graphs, systems, and DeMoivre?s Theorem. Includes conics and
intersections of polar curves that are not simultaneous solutions to the system (?ghost points?).
Analytic Geometry, by Gordon Fuller and Dalton Tarwater (6th-7th ed) is a good source.
2009-2010 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
Trig. Equations and Identities
includes solving trig equations and simplifying trig
expressions using standard formulas (double-angle, half-angle, sum-to-product, and product-to-sum).
2009-2010 Meet 5 Seniors
2009-2010 Meet 1 Orals
Taxicab Geometry
Taxicab Geometry: An Adventure in Non-Euclidean Geometry, by Eugene F. Krause. ISBN 0-486-25202-7. Chapters 2?5 (pp. 12?49).
2009-2010 Meet 2 Orals
Parametric Equations
Analytic Geometry, by Gordon Fuller and Dalton Tarwater. ISBN 0-201-13484-5 (7th ed). (6th-7th ed: Ch. 8; 5th ed: Ch. 7).
2009-2010 Meet 3 Orals
Theory of Congruence
Elementary Number Theory, by Burton, David M.. Chapter 4 (any edition).
2009-2010 Meet 4 Orals
Symmetry and Patterns
For All Practical Purposes, by COMAP (6th ed). Chapter 19.
2010-2011 Meet 1 Frosh
none |
Number Theory and Divisibility
may include patterns (such as trailing zeros), factors, primes, divisibility rules, prime factors of powers, unique factorization, LCM, GCD, and their relationships.
2010-2011 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas.
2010-2011 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
Number bases
including conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information.
2010-2011 Meet 4 Frosh
graphing |
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities with Applications
Limited to two variables. May include absolute value and should know vocabulary such as consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent.
2010-2011 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
2010-2011 Meet 1 Sophomores
none |
properties, classification, angle measures and sums, area, diagonals, convex and non-convex, cyclic quadrilaterals, Brahmagupta?s formula, etc.
2010-2011 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry.
2010-2011 Meet 3 Sophomores
none |
Standard material including arcs, area, angles, power theorems, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments. Does not include trig nor equations of circles.
2010-2011 Meet 4 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Transformations on a Plane
Includes reflections, rotations, translations, dilations, shears, and compositions in two dimensions.
2010-2011 Meet 5 Sophomores
2010-2011 Meet 1 Juniors
none |
Modular Arithmetic
may include arithmetic operations in different moduli, divisibility, solving simple linear congruences in one or two variables, Fermat?s Little Theorem, Wilson?s Theorem, and Chinese Remainder Theorem.
2010-2011 Meet 2 Juniors
the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution nor expected value.
2010-2011 Meet 3 Juniors
none |
Logarithms and Exponents
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, emphasis on properties, exponential logarithmic growth and decay, and applications. No complex numbers.
2010-2011 Meet 4 Juniors
Applications of Matrices and Markov Chains
includes solving large systems of equations, using matrix inverses and using transition matrices (aka Markov Chains).
2010-2011 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2010-2011 Meet 1 Seniors
none |
Diophantine Equations
may include linear Diophantine Equations, systems of linear Diophantine Equations, and contextual problems.
2010-2011 Meet 2 Seniors
may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability.
2010-2011 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
Sequences and Series
including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus.
2010-2011 Meet 4 Seniors
Vector Analytic Graphing
includes two dimensional vector applications, two and three dimensional vectors, equations of lines and planes in space, scalar, inner and cross products, perpendicularly and parallels. distance between lines, points and planes. No calculus.
2010-2011 Meet 5 Seniors
2010-2011 Meet 1 Orals
Polar Coordinates and Equations
Analytic Geometry, by Fuller and Tarwater. (6th-7th ed: Ch. 7; 5th ed: Ch. 6).
2010-2011 Meet 2 Orals
Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, by Roman, Steven. 4.1-4.8, 5.1-5.2.
2010-2011 Meet 3 Orals
Topics in Geometry
Geometry Revisited, by Coxeter and Greitzer. 1.1-1.3.
2010-2011 Meet 4 Orals
Planning and Scheduling
, by . .
2011-2012 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Ratios, Proportion and Percent
May include money, interest, discounts, unit conversions, percents of increase decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of advanced algebra. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants.
2011-2012 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas.
2011-2012 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
Number Theory and Divisibility
may include patterns (such as trailing zeros), factors, primes, divisibility rules, unique factorization, LCM, GCD, and their relationships.
2011-2012 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities with Applications
Limited to two variables. May include absolute value and should know vocabulary such as consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent.
2011-2012 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
2011-2012 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Perimeter, Area, and Surface Area
including squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, and shapes made from these, including the Pythagorean Theorem.
2011-2012 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry.
2011-2012 Meet 3 Sophomores
none |
the standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector theorem.
2011-2012 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Advanced Geometry Topics Restricted to
Brahmagupta?s formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart?s Theorem, Ptolemy?s Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva?s Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. A good reference would be Geometry by Rhoad, Milauskas, and Whipple, Chapter 16.
2011-2012 Meet 5 Sophomores
2011-2012 Meet 1 Juniors
Algebraic Coordinate Geometry including Circles
standard material including power theorems, arcs, angles, area, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments, and equations of circles. Coordinates are included. No trig.
2011-2012 Meet 2 Juniors
the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution nor expected value.
2011-2012 Meet 3 Juniors
none |
Geometric Transformations Using Matrices on a Plane
In two dimensions. Includes reflections, rotations, translations, dilations, shears, and compositions. Standard treatment using Algebra 2 texts. For shears refer to Mathematics of Matrices, by Phillip Davis. Ginn and Co., 1965, Library of Congress: 64-24818. Pages 125-161 (Oral #2, 2007-8).
2011-2012 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Sequences and Series
including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus.
2011-2012 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2011-2012 Meet 1 Seniors
Trigonometry Applications, Equations and Theory
including laws of sines and cosines, and of course, word problems.
2011-2012 Meet 2 Seniors
may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability.
2011-2012 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
including locus definitions, eccentricity, and directrix. No parametrics, no polar, and no rotations.
2011-2012 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
Theory of Equations
including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems, upper bounds, coefficient analysis, DesCartes' Rule of Signs, synthetic division, complex roots, and determining equations given various info. Possible sources: Advanced Mathematics by Richard G. Brown, or some older Pre-Calculus texts.
2011-2012 Meet 5 Seniors
2011-2012 Meet 1 Orals
Graph Theory
Graphs and Their Uses, by Oystein Ore (MAA). Chapters 1 through 3.
2011-2012 Meet 2 Orals
Elementary Number Theory, by David Burton. Chapter 2.
2011-2012 Meet 3 Orals
Matrix Games
Excursions into Mathematics, by Beck, Bleicher, Crowe (Millenium Edition). Sections 5.1, 5.6, 5.7.
2011-2012 Meet 4 Orals
Taxicab Geometry
, by Krause. Chapters 1-5.
2012-2013 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Ratios, Proportion and Percent
May include money, interest, discounts, unit conversions, percents of increase decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of advanced algebra. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants.
2012-2013 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas.
2012-2013 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
Number Bases
2012-2013 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Quadratics (Quadratic Functions)
2012-2013 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
2012-2013 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Coordinate Geometry
(description lost)
Coordinate geometry with applications
2012-2013 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry.
2012-2013 Meet 3 Sophomores
none |
Logic, Sets, and Venn Diagrams
(description lost)
2012-2013 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Advanced Geometry Topics Restricted to
Brahmagupta?s formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart?s Theorem, Ptolemy?s Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva?s Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. A good reference would be Geometry by Rhoad, Milauskas, and Whipple, Chapter 16.
2012-2013 Meet 5 Sophomores
2012-2013 Meet 1 Juniors
Algebraic Coordinate Geometry including Circles
Includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallel, perpendicular, equations of lines, simple area and perimeter, applications, and standard circle material including power theorems, arcs, angles, area, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments, and equations of circles. Coordinates are included. No trig. (2011-12)
2012-2013 Meet 2 Juniors
the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution nor expected value.
2012-2013 Meet 3 Juniors
none |
Modular Arithmetic
May include arithmetic operations in different moduli, divisibility, solving simple linear congruences in one or two variables, Fermat?s Little Theorem, Wilson?s Theorem, and Chinese Remainder Theorem. (Last used 2010-11)
2012-2013 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Functions and Relations
Non-recursive, standard functions, limited to linear, quadratic, rational, and piecewise including domain, range, and composition. May include inverse concepts. No logs, exponential, nor trig. (2009-10)
2012-2013 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2012-2013 Meet 1 Seniors
Triangle Trigonometry
2012-2013 Meet 2 Seniors
may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability.
2012-2013 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
Diophantine Equations
2012-2013 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
Vector Analytic Geometry/Graphing
2012-2013 Meet 5 Seniors
2012-2013 Meet 1 Orals
Conic Sections
For All Practical Purposes, by COMAP. Chapters 12 and 13.
2012-2013 Meet 2 Orals
Markov Chains
Elementary Number Theory, by David Burton. Chapter 4.
2012-2013 Meet 3 Orals
Tritangent Circles
Anayltic Geometry, by Gordon Fuller and Dalton Tarwater. Chapter 8.
2012-2013 Meet 4 Orals
, by . .
2013-2014 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Ratios, Proportion and Percent
May include money, interest, discounts, unit conversions, percents of increase decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of advanced algebra. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants.
2013-2014 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas.
2013-2014 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
Linear Equations and Inequalities
Includes word problems leading to linear equations and inequalities, as well as simple absolute value equations and inequalities.
2013-2014 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Number Theory and Divisibility
May include patterns (such as trailing zeros), factors, primes, divisibility rules, unique factorization, LCM, GCD, and their relationships.
2013-2014 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
2013-2014 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Perimeter, Area, and Surface Area
including squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, and shapes made from these, including the Pythagorean Theorem.
2013-2014 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry.
2013-2014 Meet 3 Sophomores
none |
Right Triangles
All things fun about right triangles. May include Pythagorean Theorem (and triples), altitude to hypotenuse, related circles and centers, special right triangles, right triangle trigonometry.
2013-2014 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Advanced Geometry Topics
Restricted to Brahmagupta?s formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart?s Theorem, Ptolemy?s Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva?s Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. A good reference would be Geometry by Rhoad, Milauskas, and Whipple, Chapter 16.
2013-2014 Meet 5 Sophomores
2013-2014 Meet 1 Juniors
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities with Applications
May include absolute value, intersections, area and/or perimeter of a region, corner points, slopes, distances, types of systems.
2013-2014 Meet 2 Juniors
the standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution nor expected value.
2013-2014 Meet 3 Juniors
none |
Logarithms and Exponents
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and common logs, emphasis on properties, exponential logarithmic growth and decay, and applications. No complex numbers.
2013-2014 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Sequences and Series
Including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus.
2013-2014 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2013-2014 Meet 1 Seniors
Geometric Transformations Using Matrices on a Plane
In two dimensions. Includes reflections, rotations, translations, dilations, shears, and compositions. Standard treatment using Algebra 2 texts. For shears refer to Mathematics of Matrices, by Phillip Davis. Ginn and Co., 1965, Library of Congress: 64-24818. Pages 125-161
2013-2014 Meet 2 Seniors
may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability.
2013-2014 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
Algebra of Complex Numbers
Simplifying and factoring, solving linear and quadratic equations with complex coefficients, solving linear systems with complex coefficients, vectors, polars, and powers of pure imaginary numbers, including DeMoivre's Theorem.
2013-2014 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
including locus definitions, eccentricity, and focus/directrix properties. No parametrics, no polar, and no rotations.
2013-2014 Meet 5 Seniors
2013-2014 Meet 1 Orals
Voting Methods
For All Practical Purposes, by COMAP. Chapters 12 (Social Choice) and 13 (Weighted Voting Systems) in edition 6. These are chapters 11 and 12 in the 4th edition..
2013-2014 Meet 2 Orals
Theory of Congruence
Elementary Number Theory, by David Burton. Chapter 4.
2013-2014 Meet 3 Orals
Anayltic Geometry, by Gordon Fuller and Dalton Tarwater. Chapter 8.
2013-2014 Meet 4 Orals
Geometric Probability
Geometric Probability, by Art Johnson (COMAP Module Sections 1 - 3; pages 1- 36). AND NCTM Publication . Sections 1-4, 9.1 (#1, #2), 10, 10.1, exercises (section 11) 1-6, 10.
2014-2015 Meet 1 Frosh
none |
Number Theory and Divisibility
May include patterns (such as trailing zeros), factors, primes, divisibility rules, unique factorization, LCM, GCD, and their relationships. (Last used 2013-14)
2014-2015 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. (Last used 2013-14)
2014-2015 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
Number Bases
Including conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information. (Last used 2012-13)
2014-2015 Meet 4 Frosh
graphing |
Linear Equations and Inequalities and Quadratic Equations
Includes word problems leading to linear or absolute value equations and inequalities, as well as quadratic equations. No quadratic inequalities. (Last used 2013-14; not quadratics - they are new to this topic)
2014-2015 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
2014-2015 Meet 1 Sophomores
none |
Logic, Sets, and Venn Diagrams
Notation, intersection, unions, subsets, empty set, complements, universal set, cardinality of a set, solution sets, and number of subsets. Should include classic type Venn diagram problems involving how many things are in various intersections. Emphasis for logic is on using logic, not formal vocabulary. No truth tables. (Last used 2012-13)
2014-2015 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
Emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. (Last used 2013-14)
2014-2015 Meet 3 Sophomores
none |
The standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector theorem. (Last used 2011-12)
2014-2015 Meet 4 Sophomores
graphing |
Advanced Geometry Topics
Restricted to Brahmagupta?s formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart?s Theorem, Ptolemy?s Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva?s Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. (Last used 2013-14; note that a calculator is allowed this year)
2014-2015 Meet 5 Sophomores
2014-2015 Meet 1 Juniors
none |
Modular Arithmetic
May include arithmetic operations in different moduli, divisibility, solving simple linear congruences in one or two variables, Fermat?s Little Theorem, Wilson?s Theorem, and Chinese Remainder Theorem. (Last used 2012-13)
2014-2015 Meet 2 Juniors
The standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution nor expected value. (Last used 2013-14)
2014-2015 Meet 3 Juniors
none |
Rational Functions
Including domain and range, discontinuities, vertical, horizontal, and oblique asymptotes, and roots. (Last used 2006-07)
2014-2015 Meet 4 Juniors
Applications of Matrices and Markov Chains
Includes solving large systems of equations, using matrix inverses and using transition matrices (aka Markov Chains). (Last used 2010-11)
2014-2015 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2014-2015 Meet 1 Seniors
none |
Diophantine Equations
May include linear Diophantine Equations, systems of linear Diophantine Equations, and contextual problems. (2012-13)
2014-2015 Meet 2 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability. (Last used 2013-14)
2014-2015 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
Theory of Equations
Including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems, upper bounds, coefficient analysis, DesCartes' Rule of Signs, synthetic division, complex roots, and determining equations given various info. Possible sources: Advanced Mathematics by Richard G. Brown, or some older Pre-Calculus texts. (Last used 2011-12)
2014-2015 Meet 4 Seniors
Vector Analytic Graphing
Includes two dimensional vector applications, two and three dimensional vectors, equations of lines and planes in space, scalar, inner and cross products, perpendicularly and parallels. distance between lines, points and planes. No calculus. (Last used 2012-13)
Note: Contest is labeled with the incorrect title.
2014-2015 Meet 5 Seniors
2014-2015 Meet 1 Orals
Geometric Constructions
College Geometry, by Nathan Altshiller-Court. Oralists are not expected to construct precise diagrams with compass and straightedge on the chalk/white board during presentation, but rather sketch their constructions and explain them. Emphasis is on understanding and proving constructions, rather than precision with tools.. Chapter 1.
2014-2015 Meet 2 Orals
Graph Theory
Graphs and their Uses, by Oystein Ore / Robin Wilson (1990). Note: Terminology differs between 1960 and 1990 editions. Questions will be written using the terminology from the 1990 edition.. Chapters 1-3.
2014-2015 Meet 3 Orals
Continued Fractions
Continued Fractions, by C.D. Olds. Chapters 1-3.
2014-2015 Meet 4 Orals
Combinatorics and Probability
Probability Module, by Rhoad and Whipple. 1.1-1.7 & 1.12 (pp 1-40 & 77-84).
2015-2016 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Ratios, Proportions, and Percent
May include money, interest, discounts, unit conversions, percents of increase decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of Algebra and does not include advanced problem solving skills. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants. (2013-14)
2015-2016 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. (2014-15)
2015-2016 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
Number Theory and Divisibility
May include patterns (such as trailing zeros), factors, primes, divisibility rules, unique factorization, LCM, GCD, and their relationships. (2014-15)
2015-2016 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Applications of Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
Limited to two variables. May include absolute value and should know vocabulary such as consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent. (2011-12)
2015-2016 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
2015-2016 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Perimeter, Area, and Surface Area
Including squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, and shapes made from these, including the Pythagorean Theorem. (2013-14)
2015-2016 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
Emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. (2013-14)
2015-2016 Meet 3 Sophomores
none |
Standard material including arcs, area, angles, power theorems, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments, equations of circles. Does not include trig. (2010-11, supplemented)
2015-2016 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Advanced Geometry Topics
Restricted to Brahmagupta?s formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart?s Theorem, Ptolemy?s Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva?s Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. (2014-15)
2015-2016 Meet 5 Sophomores
2015-2016 Meet 1 Juniors
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities with Applications
May include absolute value, intersections, area and/or perimeter of a region, corner points, slopes, distances, types of systems. (2013-14)
2015-2016 Meet 2 Juniors
The standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution nor expected value. (2013-14)
2015-2016 Meet 3 Juniors
none |
Logs and Exponents
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, emphasis on properties, exponential logarithmic growth and decay, and applications. No complex numbers. (2013-14)
2015-2016 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Functions and Relations
Non-recursive, standard functions, limited to linear, quadratic, rational, and piecewise including domain, range, and composition. May include inverse concepts. No logs, exponential, nor trig. (2012-13)
2015-2016 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2015-2016 Meet 1 Seniors
Triangle Trigonometry with Applications
Including right triangle trigonometry, laws of sines and cosines, and of course, word problems. (2012-13)
2015-2016 Meet 2 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability. (2013-14)
2015-2016 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
Algebra of Complex Numbers
Simplifying and factoring, solving linear and quadratic equations with complex coefficients, solving linear systems with complex coefficients, vectors, polars, and powers of pure imaginary numbers, including DeMoivre?s Theorem. (2013-14)
2015-2016 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
Sequences and Series
Including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus. (2010-11)
2015-2016 Meet 5 Seniors
2015-2016 Meet 1 Orals
Taxicab Geometry
Taxicab Geometry, by Eugene Krause. Chapters 1 - 5.
2015-2016 Meet 2 Orals
Cake Cutting - Fair Cake Divisions
Cake Cutting Algorithms, by Jack Robertson and William Webb (Chapter 1). See COMAP For All Practical Purposes for additional practice material. .
2015-2016 Meet 3 Orals
Planning and Scheduling
For All Practical Purposes, by COMAP. Chapter 3.
2015-2016 Meet 4 Orals
Isometries of the Plane
Isometries of the Plane, by Shilgalis. pdf file available from ICTM Regional contest website (for AA schools) or from NSML President. .
2016-2017 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Ratios, Proportion and Percent
May include money, interest, discounts, unit conversions, percents of increase decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of advanced algebra. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants. (2015-16)
2016-2017 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. (2015-16)
2016-2017 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
Includes domain, ranges, inverse, composition, quadratic formula, graphs of quadratic functions, max and min values, and applications. (2012-13)
2016-2017 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Number Bases
Including conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information. (2014-15)
2016-2017 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
2016-2017 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Coordinate Geometry with Applications
Includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallel, perpendicular, equations of lines, simple area and perimeter, and applications (no circles). (2012-13)
2016-2017 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
Emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11. (2015-16)
2016-2017 Meet 3 Sophomores
none |
The standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector theorem. (2014-15)
2016-2017 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Advanced Geometry Topics
Restricted to: Brahmagupta’s formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart’s Theorem, Ptolemy’s Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva’s Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. A good reference would be Geometry by Rhoad, Milauskas, and Whipple, Chapter 16. (2015-16)
2016-2017 Meet 5 Sophomores
2016-2017 Meet 1 Juniors
Algebraic Coordinate Geometry (Including Circles)
Includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallel, perpendicular, equations of lines, simple area and perimeter, applications, and standard circle material including power theorems, arcs, angles, area, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments, and equations of circles. Coordinates are included. No trig. (2012-13)
2016-2017 Meet 2 Juniors
The standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution nor expected value. (2015-16)
2016-2017 Meet 3 Juniors
none |
Modular Arithmetic
May include arithmetic operations in different moduli, divisibility, solving simple linear congruences in one or two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem, Wilson’s Theorem, and Chinese Remainder Theorem. (2014-15)
2016-2017 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Sequences and Series
Including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus. (2015-16)
2016-2017 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2016-2017 Meet 1 Seniors
Triangle Trigonometry with Applications
Including right triangle trigonometry, laws of sines and cosines, and of course, word problems. (2015-16)
2016-2017 Meet 2 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability. (2015-16)
2016-2017 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
Diophantine Equations
May include linear Diophantine Equations, systems of linear Diophantine Equations, and contextual problems. (2014-15)
2016-2017 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
Vector Analytic Graphing
Includes two dimensional vector applications, two and three dimensional vectors, equations of lines and planes in space, scalar, inner and cross products, perpendicularly and parallels. distance between lines, points and planes. (No calculus) (2014-15)
2016-2017 Meet 5 Seniors
2016-2017 Meet 1 Orals
Source: Elementary Number Theory by David Burton -- Chapter 2
2016-2017 Meet 2 Orals
Markov Chains
Finite Mathematics by Lial and Miller -- Chapter 9 (6th edition) -- Other editions are similar.
2016-2017 Meet 3 Orals
Linear Programming
For All Practical Purposes by COMAP -- Chapter 4
2016-2017 Meet 4 Orals
The Algebra of Logic
Chapter 1, pp. 1-29, of Elliot Mendelson, Boolean Algebra and Switching Circuits, 1970 Ed., in the Schaum Outline Series.
2017-2018 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Ratios, Proportion and Percent
May include money, interest, discounts, unit conversions, percents of increase decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of advanced algebra. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants. (2016-17)
2017-2018 Meet 2 Frosh
none |
Number Theory and Divisibility
May include patterns (such as trailing zeros), factors, primes, divisibility rules, unique factorization, LCM, GCD, and their relationships. (2015-16)
2017-2018 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. (2016-17)
2017-2018 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Includes domain, ranges, inverse, composition, quadratic formula, graphs of quadratic functions, max and min values, and applications. (2016-17)
2017-2018 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2017-2018 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Perimeter, Area, and Surface Area
Including squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, and shapes made from these, including the Pythagorean Theorem. (2015-16)
2017-2018 Meet 2 Sophomores
none |
Logic, Sets, and Venn Diagrams
Notation, intersection, unions, subsets, empty set, complements, universal set, cardinality of a set, solution sets, and number of subsets. Should include classic type Venn diagram problems involving how many things are in various intersections. Emphasis for logic is on using logic, not formal vocabulary. No truth tables. (2014-15)
2017-2018 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
Emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11. (2016-17)
2017-2018 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Advanced Geometry Topics
Restricted to Brahmagupta’s formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart’s Theorem, Ptolemy’s Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva’s Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. A good reference would be Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge by Rhoad, Milauskas, and Whipple, Chapter 16. (2016-17)
2017-2018 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2017-2018 Meet 1 Juniors
Algebraic Coordinate Geometry including Circles
Standard material including power theorems, arcs, angles, area, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments, and equations of circles. Coordinates are included. No trig. (2016-17)
2017-2018 Meet 2 Juniors
none |
Rational Functions
Including domain and range, discontinuities, vertical, horizontal, and oblique asymptotes, and roots. (2014-15)
2017-2018 Meet 3 Juniors
The standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution nor expected value. (2016-17)
2017-2018 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Logs and Exponents
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, emphasis on properties, exponential logarithmic growth and decay, and applications. No complex numbers. (2015-16)
2017-2018 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2017-2018 Meet 1 Seniors
Triangle Trigonometry with Applications
Including right triangle trigonometry, laws of sines and cosines, and of course, word problems. (2016-17)
2017-2018 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
Parametric Equations
Slopes, equations of lines, simple conics (no rotations), intersection points, position (applications), translating between rectangular and parametric equations. A good reference is Analytic Geometry, by Gordon Fuller and Dalton Tarwater; Addison Wesley. Chapter 7 (5th Ed), or Chapter 8 (6th and 7th Ed). (NEW)
2017-2018 Meet 3 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability. (2016-17)
2017-2018 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
Theory of Equations
Including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems, upper bounds, coefficient analysis, DesCartes' Rule of Signs, synthetic division, complex roots, and determining equations given various info. Possible sources: Advanced Mathematics by Richard G. Brown, or some older Pre-Calculus texts. (2014-15)
2017-2018 Meet 5 Seniors
2017-2018 Meet 1 Orals
Source: For All Practical Purposes by COMAP, 6th edition, Chapter 1
2017-2018 Meet 2 Orals
Generating Functions
NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED -- Source: Intermediate Counting and Probability (Art of Problem Solving) by David Patrick, Chapter 14
2017-2018 Meet 3 Orals
Source: Circle Inversions and Applications to Euclidean Geometry by Kenji Kozai and Shlomo Libeskind, Chapters 0 - 2. -- Available here: http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/EMT600/Libeskind.Kozai.Inversion.pdf --
Supplementary Source (lots of problems and solutions): A Decade of the Berkeley Math Circle, edited by Z. Stankova and T. Rike, Session 1
2017-2018 Meet 4 Orals
Markov Chains
Sections 9.1-9.2 (Markov Chains) of Tan, Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life and Social Sciences, 11th Edition 2015 (ISBN 9781275464657)
2018-2019 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Ratios, Proportion and Percent
May include money, simple interest (not compound interest), discounts, unit conversions, percents of increase decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of advanced algebra. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants. (2017-18)
2018-2019 Meet 2 Frosh
none |
Number Bases
Including conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information. (2016-17)
2018-2019 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. (2017-18)
2018-2019 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Linear Equations and Inequalities and Quadratic Equations
Includes word problems leading to linear or absolute value equations and inequalities, as well as quadratic equations. No quadratic inequalities. (2014-15)
2018-2019 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2018-2019 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Coordinate Geometry with Applications
Includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallel, perpendicular, equations of lines, simple area and perimeter, and applications. No circles. (2016-17)
2018-2019 Meet 2 Sophomores
none |
Logic, Sets, and Venn Diagrams
Notation, intersection, unions, subsets, empty set, complements, universal set, cardinality of a set, solution sets, and number of subsets. Should include classic type Venn diagram problems involving how many things are in various intersections. Emphasis for logic is on using logic, not formal vocabulary. No truth tables. (2017-18)
2018-2019 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
Emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11. (2017-18)
2018-2019 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
The standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector theorem. (2016-17)
2018-2019 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2018-2019 Meet 1 Juniors
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities with Applications
May include absolute value, intersections, area and/or perimeter of a region, corner points, slopes, distances, types of systems. (2015-16)
2018-2019 Meet 2 Juniors
none |
Modular Arithmetic
May include arithmetic operations in different moduli, divisibility, solving simple linear congruences in one or two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem, Wilson’s Theorem, and Chinese Remainder Theorem. (2016-17)
2018-2019 Meet 3 Juniors
The standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. It should not include binomial distribution nor expected value. (2017-18)
2018-2019 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Rational Functions
Including domain and range, discontinuities, vertical, horizontal, and oblique asymptotes, and roots. (2017-18)
2018-2019 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2018-2019 Meet 1 Seniors
Geometric Transformations Using Matrices on a Plane
In two dimensions. Includes reflections, rotations, translations, dilations, shears, and compositions. Standard treatment using Algebra 2 texts. For shears refer to Mathematics of Matrices, by Phillip Davis. Ginn and Co., 1965, Library of Congress: 64-24818. Pages 125-161 (Oral #2, 2007-8; senior 2013-14)
2018-2019 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
Diophantine Equations
May include linear Diophantine Equations, systems of linear Diophantine Equations, and contextual problems. (2016-17)
2018-2019 Meet 3 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes' Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and some simple geometric probability. (2017-18)
2018-2019 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
Including locus definitions, eccentricity, and directrix. No parametrics, no polar, and no rotations. (2013-14)
2018-2019 Meet 5 Seniors
2018-2019 Meet 1 Orals
Theory of Congruences - NO CALCULATOR
Source: Elementary Number Theory by David Burton, Fifth Edition (or newer edition) -- Chapter 4. ISBN: 0072325690
2018-2019 Meet 2 Orals
Source: AOPS Intermediate Algebra by Richard Rusczyk -- Chapter 12. ISBN-13: 978-1-934124-04-8
2018-2019 Meet 3 Orals
Fibonacci Numbers and Recursion - NO CALCULATOR
Source: AOPS Intermediate Counting and Probability by David Patrick -- Chapters 9 and 10. ISBN: 1934124060
2018-2019 Meet 4 Orals
Game Theory
For All Practical Purposes: Mathematical Literacy in Today’s World, Sections 15.1 and 15.2, 10th edition COMAP materials; published by W.H. Freeman; ISBN 9781464124730.
2019-2020 Meet 1 Frosh
none |
Number Bases
Including conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information. (2018-19)
2019-2020 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. (2018-19)
2019-2020 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
Number Theory and Divisibility
May include patterns (such as trailing zeros), factors, primes, divisibility rules, unique factorization, LCM, GCD, and their relationships. (2017-2018)
2019-2020 Meet 4 Frosh
graphing |
Coordinate Geometry
Includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallels, perpendiculars and applications. (2009-10)
2019-2020 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2019-2020 Meet 1 Sophomores
none |
2019-2020 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11.
2019-2020 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
Standard material including arcs, area, angles, power theorems, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments. Does not include trig nor equations of circles. (2010-11)
2019-2020 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Coordinate Geometry
2019-2020 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2019-2020 Meet 1 Juniors
none |
Including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems; Descartes’ Rule of Signs; coefficient analysis; determining equations given various information.
2019-2020 Meet 2 Juniors
The standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. Does not include binomial distribution nor expected value. (2019-20)
2019-2020 Meet 3 Juniors
Logs and Exponents
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, emphasis on properties, exponential and logarithmic growth and decay, and applications. No complex numbers.
2019-2020 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Transformations using Matricies on a Plane
In two dimensions. Includes reflections, rotations, translations, dilations, shears, and compositions. Standard treatment using Algebra 2 texts. For shears refer to Mathematics of Matrices, by Phillip Davis. Ginn and Co., 1965, Library of Congress: 64-24818. Pages 125-161 (Oral #2, 2007-8).
2019-2020 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2019-2020 Meet 1 Seniors
none |
Theory of Equations
Including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems, upper bounds, coefficient analysis, DesCartes' Rule of Signs, synthetic division, complex roots, and determining equations given various info. Possible sources: Advanced Mathematics by Richard G. Brown, or some older Pre-Calculus texts. (2017-18)
2019-2020 Meet 2 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes’ Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and geometric probability. (2019-20)
2019-2020 Meet 3 Seniors
Series and Sequences
Including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus. (2015-16)
2019-2020 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
(Previously called Vector Analytic Graphing) Includes two dimensional vector applications, two and three dimensional vectors, equations of lines and planes in space, scalar, inner and cross products, perpendicularly and parallels. distance between lines, points and planes. No calculus. (2016-17)
2019-2020 Meet 5 Seniors
2019-2020 Meet 1 Orals
none |
Planning and Scheduling
Source: For All Practical Purpose by COMAP (Sixth Edition) -- Chapter 3 -- ISBN: 0716747820
2019-2020 Meet 2 Orals
none |
Geometric Constructions
Source: College Geometry by Nathan Altshiller Court -- Chapter 1 -- ISBN: 0486458059 -- Oralists are not expected to construct precise diagrams with compass and straightedge on the chalk/white board during presentation, but rather sketch their constructions and explain them. Emphasis is on understanding and proving constructions, rather than precision with tools.
2019-2020 Meet 3 Orals
none |
Continued Fractions
Source: Continued Fractions by C.D. Olds -- MAA New Mathematical library -- Chapters 1--3--ISBN: 0883856093
2019-2020 Meet 4 Orals
Voting Methods
For All Practical Purposes, by COMAP. 10th Edition: Chapter 9 (Social Choice) & Chapter 10 (Manipulability of Voting Systems).
2020-2021 Meet 1 Frosh
none |
Number Bases
Including conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information. (2019-20)
2020-2021 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Basic Statistics
Measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), box-and-whisker plots, two-way tables, stem and leaf, range. No variance. No standard deviation. (New Topic. Resource: OpenStax: https://openstax.org/details/books/introductory-statistics)
2020-2021 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. (2019-20)
2020-2021 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Applications of Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
Limited to two variables. May include absolute value and should know vocabulary such as consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent. (2015-16)
2020-2021 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2020-2021 Meet 1 Sophomores
none |
Area and Perimeter
Including squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, and shapes made from these, including the Pythagorean Theorem. May include surface area of right pyramids and right prisms. No trigonometry. (Refer to Area, Perimeter, and Surface Area 2017-18)
2020-2021 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
The standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector theorem. (2018-19)
2020-2021 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
Standard material including arcs, area, angles, power theorems, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments. Does not include trig nor equations of circles. (2010-11)
2020-2021 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Advanced Geometry Topics
Restricted to Brahmagupta’s formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart’s Theorem, Ptolemy’s Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva’s Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. (2017-18)
2020-2021 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2020-2021 Meet 1 Juniors
none |
Modular Arithmetic
May include arithmetic operations in different moduli, divisibility, solving simple linear congruences in one or two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem, Wilson’s Theorem, and Chinese Remainder Theorem. (2018-19)
2020-2021 Meet 2 Juniors
none |
*NO CALCULATOR* Including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems; Descartes’ Rule of Signs; coefficient analysis; determining equations given various information. (2019-20) UPDATE 2020-10-07 NO CALCULATOR FOR THIS TOPIC.
2020-2021 Meet 3 Juniors
The standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. Does not include binomial distribution nor expected value. (2019-20)
2020-2021 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Logs and Exponentials
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, emphasis on properties, exponential and logarithmic growth and decay, and applications. No complex numbers. (2018-19)
2020-2021 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2020-2021 Meet 1 Seniors
none |
Sequences and Series
Including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, alternating, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus. (2019-20)
2020-2021 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
Algebra of Complex Numbers
*NO CALCULATOR* Simplifying and factoring, solving linear and quadratic equations with complex coefficients, solving linear systems with complex coefficients, vectors, polars, and powers of pure imaginary numbers, including DeMoivre’s Theorem. (2015-16) UPDATE 2020-10-20 NO CALCULATOR FOR THIS TOPIC.
2020-2021 Meet 3 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes’ Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and geometric probability. (2019-20)
2020-2021 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
Including locus definitions, eccentricity, and directrix. No parametrics, no polar, and no rotations. (2018-19)
2020-2021 Meet 5 Seniors
2020-2021 Meet 1 Orals
Taxicab Geometry
Source: Taxicab Geometry: An Adventure in Non-Euclidean Geometry by Eugene Krause – Chapters 1–5 – ISBN: 0486252027. NO CALCULATOR.
2020-2021 Meet 2 Orals
Source: AOPS Intermediate Algebra by Richard Rusczyk & Mathew Crawford – Chapter 5 – ISBN: 9781934124048. NO CALCULATOR.
2020-2021 Meet 3 Orals
Advanced Geometry
Source: Geometry Revisited by Coxeter and Greitzer – Chapter 1 – ISBN: 987-0883856192. (Printings from 1967 and 1996 have same content.) NO CALCULATOR.
Geometry Revisited, has been republished so it has more than one ISBN. They have the same text.
2020-2021 Meet 4 Orals
Combinatorial Identities
Art of Problem Solving, Intermediate Counting and Probability, Chapter 12. NO CALCULATOR.
2021-2022 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Ratios, Proportion and Percent
May include money, simple interest (not compound interest), discounts, unit conversions, percentages of increase or decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of advanced algebra. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants. (2018-19)
2021-2022 Meet 2 Frosh
none |
Number Bases
May include conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information. (2020-21)
2021-2022 Meet 3 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
May include tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. (2020-21)
2021-2022 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Number Theory and Divisibility
May include patterns (such as trailing zeros), factors, primes, divisibility rules, unique factorization, LCM, GCD, and their relationships. (2019-20)
2021-2022 Meet 5 Frosh
Algebra I
2021-2022 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Perimeter, Area, and Surface Area
May include squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, and shapes made from these, including the Pythagorean Theorem. May include prisms, pyramids, and cylinders. No trigonometry. No spheres. No cones. (2017-18)
2021-2022 Meet 2 Sophomores
none |
Logic, Sets, and Venn Diagrams
Notation, intersection, unions, subsets, empty set, complements, universal set, cardinality (number of elements) of a set, solution sets, and number of subsets. Should include classic type Venn diagram problems involving how many things are in various intersections. Emphasis for logic is on using logic, not formal vocabulary. No truth tables. (2018-19)
2021-2022 Meet 3 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
Emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11. (2019-20)
2021-2022 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Advanced Geometry Topics
Restricted to Brahmagupta’s formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart’s Theorem, Ptolemy’s Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva’s Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. (2017-18)
2021-2022 Meet 5 Sophomores
2021-2022 Meet 1 Juniors
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities with Applications
May include absolute value, intersections, area and/or perimeter of a region, corner points, slopes, distances, inconsistent/consistent systems, and independent/dependent systems. (2018-19)
2021-2022 Meet 2 Juniors
none |
May include factor, remainder, and rational root theorems; Descartes’ Rule of Signs; upper/lower bounds of roots; coefficient analysis; determining polynomials given various information. (2020-21)
2021-2022 Meet 3 Juniors
The standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. Does not include binomial distribution nor expected value. (2020-21)
2021-2022 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Logs and Exponentials
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, emphasis on properties, exponential and logarithmic growth and decay, and applications. No complex numbers. (2020-21)
2021-2022 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2021-2022 Meet 1 Seniors
Triangle Trigonometry with Applications
May include right triangle trigonometry, laws of sines and cosines, area, angles of elevation and depression, compass bearing. The emphasis is not on precalculus trigonometric identities. (2017-18)
2021-2022 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
Theory of Equations
Including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems, upper bounds, coefficient analysis, DesCartes’ Rule of Signs, synthetic division, complex roots, and determining equations given various info. Possible sources: Advanced Mathematics by Richard G. Brown, or some older Pre-Calculus texts. (2019-20)
2021-2022 Meet 3 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes’ Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and geometric probability. (2019-20)
2021-2022 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
May include locus definitions, eccentricity, and directrix. No parametrics, no polar, and no rotations. (2020-21)
2021-2022 Meet 5 Seniors
2021-2022 Meet 1 Orals
Source: Elementary Number Theory – 5th Edition – by David M. Burton – Chapter 2 – ISBN: 978-0072325690. NO CALCULATOR.
2021-2022 Meet 2 Orals
Mathematical Induction
Source: A Decade of the Berkeley Math Circle: I by Stankova & Rike – Chapter 6 – ISBN: 978-0821846834. NO CALCULATOR.
2021-2022 Meet 3 Orals
Generating Functions
Source: AoPS Intermediate Counting & Probability by David Patrick – Chapter 14, ISBN: 1934124060. NO CALCULATOR.
2021-2022 Meet 4 Orals
"Combinatorics" based on a document by Rhoad and Whipple. See ICTM web site for AA schools for the source. Contact the president of NSML if you do not have access. CALCULATOR ALLOWED IN PREP.
2022-2023 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Basic Statistics
Measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), histograms, box-and-whisker plots, stem and leaf plots, range, interquartile range (IQR), potential outliers. No variance. No standard deviation. No comparison of sample and population means. (Resource: Sections 1.3 and 2.1-2.5 in the text OpenStax: https://openstax.org/details/books/introductory-statistics). (2020-21)
2022-2023 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. (2021-22)
2022-2023 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
Number Bases
Including conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information. (2021-22)
2022-2023 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Number Theory and Divisibility
May include patterns (such as trailing zeros), factors, primes, divisibility rules, unique factorization, LCM, GCD, and their relationships. (2021-22)
2022-2023 Meet 5 Frosh
graphing |
Algebra I
2022-2023 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Quadratic Functions
Includes domain, ranges, inverse, composition, quadratic formula, graphs of quadratic functions, max and min values, and applications. (So 2004-05, Fr 2016-17, Fr 2017-18)
2022-2023 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
Emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11. (2021-22)
2022-2023 Meet 3 Sophomores
none |
The standard geometric treatment including perimeter, area, and volume relationships, conditions determining similarity, similarity in right triangles and polygons. It may include a few proportion theorems that are not specifically similarity, such as the angle bisector theorem. (2020-21)
2022-2023 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Standard material including arcs, area, angles, power theorems, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments. Does not include trig nor equations of circles. (2020-21)
2022-2023 Meet 5 Sophomores
graphing |
2022-2023 Meet 1 Juniors
Algebraic Coordinate Geometry Including Circles
Includes distance, midpoint, slope, parallel, perpendicular, equations of lines, simple area and perimeter, applications, and equations of circles. Coordinates are included. No trig. (2017-18)
2022-2023 Meet 2 Juniors
The standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, and conditional probability. Does not include binomial distribution nor expected value. (2021-22)
2022-2023 Meet 3 Juniors
none |
Modular Arithmetic
May include arithmetic operations in different moduli, divisibility, solving simple linear congruences in one or two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem, Wilson’s Theorem, and Chinese Remainder Theorem. (2020-21)
2022-2023 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Including locus definitions, eccentricity, directrix, and area of an ellipse. No parametrics, no polar, and no rotations. (Jr 1979-80, Sr 2021-22)
2022-2023 Meet 5 Juniors
Algebra II
2022-2023 Meet 1 Seniors
Applications of Matrices and Markov Chains
includes solving large systems of equations, using matrix inverses and using transition matrices (aka Markov Chains). Does not include geometric transformations. (Jr 2014-15, Sr 2007-08). Source: "Finite Mathematics for Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences", Tan, Sections 9.1-9.3. ISBN: 978-1285464657. Reportedly this is the ICTM orals source from 2018. Includes: regular Markov chain, steady-state distribution vector, absorbing states.
2022-2023 Meet 2 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes’ Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and geometric probability. (2021-22)
2022-2023 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
Linear Diophantine Equations
May include linear Diophantine Equations, systems of linear Diophantine Equations, and contextual problems. (2018-19)
2022-2023 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
Sequences and Series
Including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, alternating, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus. (2020-21)
2022-2023 Meet 5 Seniors
2022-2023 Meet 1 Orals
Linear Programming
Source: For All Practical Purposes – 9th Edition – by COMAP – Chapter 4 – ISBN: 978-1429254823. (CALCULATOR ALLOWED IN PREP)
2022-2023 Meet 2 Orals
Source: AoPS Intermediate Algebra by Rusczyk and Crawford. Chapter 12. ISBN: 978-1-934124-04-8. (NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED IN PREP OR PRESENTATION.)
2022-2023 Meet 3 Orals
Fibonacci Numbers and Recursion
Source: AoPS Intermediate Counting & Probability by David Patrick – Chapters 9 & 10, ISBN: 1934124060. (NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED IN PREP OR PRESENTATION.)
2022-2023 Meet 4 Orals
Graph Theory
Source: Discrete Mathematics by John Dossey et al., 5th edition. Sections 4.1-4.3. PDF with solutions distributed by ICTM. (CALCULATOR ALLOWED IN PREP.)
2023-2024 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Ratios, Proportion and Percent
May include money, simple interest (not compound interest), discounts, unit conversions, percentages of increase or decrease and error, and direct variations. It should not require knowledge of advanced algebra. While questions should not be trivial, they should be approachable to most contestants. (2021-22)
2023-2024 Meet 2 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
Includes tree type problems, combinations, and permutations, with the emphasis on organized thinking, not using formulas. (2022-23)
2023-2024 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
Number Bases
Including conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information. (2022-23)
2023-2024 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Includes domain, ranges, inverse, composition, quadratic formula, graphs of quadratic functions, max and min values, and applications. (2017-18)
2023-2024 Meet 5 Frosh
none |
Algebra I
2023-2024 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Linear, quadratic, greatest integer, absolute value, step functions, piecewise, exponential. No logarithms. (2019-20)
2023-2024 Meet 2 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
Emphasis on the concept of geometric probability rather than on difficult geometry problems. Students are not required to have a comprehensive knowledge of geometry. UMAP module 660 is a good source, as is HIMAP module 11. (2022-23)
2023-2024 Meet 3 Sophomores
none |
Perimeter, Area, and Surface Area
Including squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, and shapes made from these; includes the Pythagorean Theorem and simple similarity (no angle bisector theorem). (2021-22)
2023-2024 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Advanced Geometry Topics
Restricted to Brahmagupta’s formula, point to line distance formula, area of a triangle given vertices, Stewart’s Theorem, Ptolemy’s Theorem, Mass points, inradius and circumradius, Ceva’s Theorem, and Theorem of Menelaus. (2021-22)
2023-2024 Meet 5 Sophomores
none |
2023-2024 Meet 1 Juniors
Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities with Applications
May include absolute value, intersections, area and/or perimeter of a region, corner points, slopes, distances, types of systems. (2021-22)
2023-2024 Meet 2 Juniors
The standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, and expected value (new to this level; see old senior contests). Does not include binomial distribution. (2023-24)
2023-2024 Meet 3 Juniors
none |
Sequences and Series
Including, but not restricted to, sequences and series defined by recursion, iteration, or pattern; may include arithmetic, geometric, telescoping, alternating, and harmonic sequences and series. No calculus. (2016-17)
2023-2024 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Logarithms and Exponentials
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, emphasis on properties, exponential and logarithmic growth and decay, and applications. No complex numbers. (2021-22)
2023-2024 Meet 5 Juniors
none |
Algebra II
2023-2024 Meet 1 Seniors
Triangle Trigonometry with Applications
Including right triangle trigonometry, laws of sines and cosines, and of course, word problems. (2021-22)
2023-2024 Meet 2 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes’ Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and geometric probability. (2022-23)
2023-2024 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
Theory of Equations
Including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems, upper bounds, coefficient analysis, Descartes’ Rule of Signs, synthetic division, complex roots, and determining equations given various info. Possible sources: Advanced Mathematics by Richard G. Brown, or some older precalculus texts. (2021-22)
2023-2024 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
Polar Coordinates and Equations
Graphs, systems, and de Moivre’s Theorem. Includes conics and intersections of polar curves that are not simultaneous solutions to the system (“ghost points”). Analytic Geometry, by Gordon Fuller and Dalton Tarwater (6th-7th ed) is a good source. (2009-2010)
2023-2024 Meet 5 Seniors
none |
2023-2024 Meet 1 Orals
Divisibility Rules
Source: Introduction to Number Theory
by Mathew Crawford – the Art of Problem Solving – Chapter 13 -- ISBN: 978-1-934124-12-3
2023-2024 Meet 2 Orals
Game Theory
Source: For All Practical Purposes – 9th Edition – by COMAP – Chapter 15 – ISBN: 9781429243162.
2023-2024 Meet 3 Orals
Continued Fractions
Source: Continued Fractions by C.D. Olds – MAA New Mathematical Library – Chapters 1 – 3 – https://bookstore.ams.org/nml-9 (Yes, this text is really from 1963 even if you find it republished later.)
2023-2024 Meet 4 Orals
Logic and Logic Circuits
Appendix A. and Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of Discrete Mathematics, 4th edition, by Dossey, Otto, Spence, and Vanden Enden. (This is exactly the same content as the ICTM Regionals source, except there it is called Chapter 10.)
2024-2025 Meet 1 Frosh
graphing |
Counting Basics and Simple Probability
The emphasis is on organized thinking, not using formulas. May include tree type problems, combinations, and permutations. (2023-24) (ANY CALCULATOR EVEN CAS.)
2024-2025 Meet 2 Frosh
none |
Number Bases
May include conversion and computation in different bases (bases from 2 to 16); finding the base given some information. (2023-24)
2024-2025 Meet 3 Frosh
none |
Basic Statistics
Measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), histograms, box-and-whisker plots, stem and leaf plots, range, interquartile range (IQR), potential outliers. No variance. No standard deviation. No comparison of sample and population means. (Resource: OpenStax Introductory Statistics, 1.3 and 2.1-2.5 from https://openstax.org/details/books/introductory-statistics). (2022-23)
2024-2025 Meet 4 Frosh
none |
Applications of Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities and Quadratic Equations
Limited to two variables. May include absolute value, domain, range, composition, max and min values, applications, graphs of quadratic functions, quadratic formula, and vocabulary such as consistent, inconsistent, dependent, independent. (2020-21)
2024-2025 Meet 5 Frosh
none |
Algebra I
2024-2025 Meet 1 Sophomores
graphing |
Geometric Probability
Standard treatment of probability problems with continuous variables using ratios of lengths, areas, and volumes. (2023-24) (ANY CALCULATOR EVEN CAS.)
2024-2025 Meet 2 Sophomores
none |
Logic, Sets, and Venn Diagrams
May include notation, intersection, unions, subsets, empty set, complements, universal set, cardinality of a set, solution sets, and number of subsets. Should include classic Venn diagram problems involving how many things are in various intersections. Emphasis for logic is on using logic, not formal vocabulary. No truth tables. (2021-22)
2024-2025 Meet 3 Sophomores
none |
Standard material. May include arcs, area, angles, power theorems, inscribed and circumscribed polygons, sectors and segments. Does not include trig nor equations of circles. (2022-23)
2024-2025 Meet 4 Sophomores
none |
Right Triangles
All things fun about right triangles. May include Pythagorean Theorem (and triples), altitude to hypotenuse, related circles and centers, special right triangles, right triangle trigonometry. (2013-14) (Similar topic for juniors 2008-09.)
2024-2025 Meet 5 Sophomores
none |
2024-2025 Meet 1 Juniors
The standard treatment of probability. It may include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, and expected value (new to this level in 2023-2024; see old senior contests). Does not include binomial distribution. (2023-24) (ANY CALCULATOR INCLUDING CAS.)
2024-2025 Meet 2 Juniors
none |
Modular Arithmetic
May include arithmetic operations in different moduli, divisibility, solving simple linear congruences in one or two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem, Wilson’s Theorem, and Chinese Remainder Theorem. (2022-23)
2024-2025 Meet 3 Juniors
none |
Logarithms and Exponentials
May include domain and range, graphing, logarithms with positive bases including natural and base ten logs, emphasis on properties, exponential and logarithmic growth and decay, and applications. No complex numbers. (2023-24)
2024-2025 Meet 4 Juniors
none |
Including factor, remainder, and rational root theorems; Descartes’ Rule of Signs; coefficient analysis; determining equations given various information. (2021-22)
2024-2025 Meet 5 Juniors
none |
Algebra II
2024-2025 Meet 1 Seniors
May include combinations, permutations, mutually exclusive events, dependent and independent events, conditional probability, Bayes’ Theorem, binomial distribution, expected value, and geometric probability. (2023-24) (ANY CALCULATOR INCLUDING CAS.)
2024-2025 Meet 2 Seniors
none |
Linear Diophantine Equations
May include linear Diophantine Equations, systems of linear Diophantine Equations, contextual problems, or simple nonlinear Diophantine Equations. (2022-23)
2024-2025 Meet 3 Seniors
none |
(Previously called Vector Analytic Graphing) May include two dimensional vector applications, two and three dimensional vectors, equations of lines and planes in space, scalar, cross products, perpendicularity and parallels, distance between points, lines, and planes. No calculus. (2019-20)
2024-2025 Meet 4 Seniors
none |
May include locus definitions, eccentricity, and directrix. No parametrics, no polar, and no rotations. (2021-22)
2024-2025 Meet 5 Seniors
none |
2024-2025 Meet 1 Orals
Taxicab Geometry
NO CALCULATOR: Source: Taxicab Geometry: An Adventure in Non-Euclidean Geometry by Eugene Krause – Chapters 1–5 – ISBN: 0486252027
2024-2025 Meet 2 Orals
Voting Methods
NO CALCULATOR: Source: For All Practical Purposes – 9th Edition – by COMAP – Chapters 9, 10, and 11 (Social Choice, The Manipulability of Voting Systems, and Weighted Voting Systems) – ISBN: 9781429243162
2024-2025 Meet 3 Orals
Functional Equations
NO CALCULATOR: Source: AOPS Intermediate Algebra by Richard Rusczyk & Mathew Crawford – Chapter 19 – ISBN: 9781934124048
2024-2025 Meet 4 Orals
Norms, Metrics and Limits
NO CALCULATOR: The topic for the ICTM Regional competition. (Please contact the president if you do not have access to the source through your ICTM account.)