Statistics (2020–2021)

From here you can access statistics from 2020–2021's competitions. Statistics are available live as data is entered at each site. All statistics will be available in HTML form.

Ranked Statistics

These statistics show the rankings after each meet. You can choose to either view meet statistics, which show data from a specific meet, or cumulative statistics, which show cumulative data up to and including a specific meet.

Division Statistics

These statistics show the rankings after each meet within the divisions. You can choose to either view meet statistics, which show data from a specific meet, or cumulative statistics, which show cumulative data up to and including a specific meet.

Item Analyses

These forms show the number of contests taken, the number of perfect papers, and the number of students who got each question correct. To access this data, select a school (or "All Schools"), and a meet, and then click the "Go" button.

Score Distribution

The distribution of scores for each contest across all schools and students. To access this data, select a meet and then click the "Go" button.

High Scorers

These statistics show the top 10 high scorers, or more if there are ties. Select a level from the drop-down box (either a meet or cumulative) and click "Go".

Single-Site Meet Statistics

Shows the results for the schools at a single site for a particular meet. Select a meet and host from the drop-down box and click "Go".

Full Statistics From Past Years